Review: Latest Reports from The New York Times ‘Editorial Pages’

Editorial: The Donald Trump Pygmalion Project
The effort to “evolve” Mr. Trump ignores the actual man, who has qualities that would make him a disastrous president.

Op-Docs: Manufacturing China’s Future
A mayor tries to secure his city’s future… by tearing it down.

Editorial: A Risky American Expansion in Syria
What does adding more troops mean for the United States’ future involvement in that war?

Editorial: Oklahoma’s Unabashed Attack on Abortion
A flatly unconstitutional bill to criminalize the provision of virtually all abortions is near final legislative approval. Governor Fallin should veto it.

Op-Ed Contributor: Mexico’s Self-Image Problem
Investigators say Mexico stonewalled their inquiry into the deaths of 43 college students. But officials seem more concerned about Donald Trump.

Letter: Displaced Azerbaijanis
The Embassy of Azerbaijan takes issue with a portrayal of the region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Letter: Rogue Prison Guards
The Correctional Association of New York writes that there is a “crisis situation” that exists in New York’s prison system.

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