Overview: Latest Reports from US News and World Report ‘Editorial Section’

LGBT Activists Force NC Bathroom Bill Into Spotlight in 2016 Election
Spending the 2016 election debating bathroom canards pushed by transgender activists is a waste of time.

Any Rule That Doesn’t Favor Him Is ‘Unfair’ to Donald Trump
Any means necessary are justifiable to Trump if it means righting perceived wrongs.

Utah Is Off-Base Declaring Pornography a Public Health Hazard
The research doesn’t back up Utah’s claim that pornography is hazardous to the public health.

Daily Cartoons: April 22, 2016

Why to Expect More Education Reform Lawsuits After Friedrichs and Vergara
The new wave of education reform lawsuits isn’t likely to slow.

$20 Bill Debate Brings Up Andrew Jackson’s Complicated Legacy
President Jackson left a complicated legacy worth remembering, even if he does get booted off the $20.

The Senate Is Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Clean Coal Technology
Congress is throwing good money after bad in pursuit of far-off clean coal technology.

Republican Party May Hate Ted Cruz More Than They Fear Donald Trump
The Republican establishment may hate Ted Cruz more than it fears Donald Trump.

We Don’t Need Bernie Sanders Because Hillary Clinton Is Already Progressive
Sanders should get out of the Democratic race because we already have a progressive in Hillary Clinton.

Atlantic City Crisis Shows Casino Gambling Is a Bad Bet
Atlantic City made a bad bet on casinos and lawmakers should learn from its mistakes.


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Need to Stop Attacking Each Other
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders need to leave the party infighting to the Republicans.

Nassau County Democrats Call State Senate Win With Absentee Votes Uncounted
They say that every vote counts, but in a close New York state senate race Democrats want to declare victory before counting every ballot.

Bernie Sanders Loses to Hillary Clinton in New York Primary
What everyone’s saying about Bernie Sanders’ failure to beat Hillary Clinton in New York’s primary.

New York Reaffirms Clinton and Trump Are Winning 2016 Primaries
The Empire State’s primary reaffirmed 2016’s status quo: Clinton and Trump are winning.

America Deserves Better Presidential Candidates Than Clinton and Trump
We’re settling for disliked presidential candidates instead of walking away.

Bernie Sanders’ Path to the Democratic Nomination Literally Makes No Sense
Bernie Sanders’ superdelegate strategy doesn’t actually make any sense.

Federal Reserve Needs a Better Tool Than Quantitative Easing
The central bank needs a better plan for the next time the U.S. economy falters.

Unfavorable Election Rules Are Rigged to Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump
Do Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump think every aspect of American society is rigged to thwart the will of the people?

Donald Trump Gets a Big Win in the New York Republican Presidential Primary
What everyone’s saying about Donald Trump’s commanding victory in the New York GOP primary.

Legal Pot Is No Civil Rights Cure-All
Marijuana legalization has led to fewer arrests, but it’s far short of being a civil rights cure-all.

Clinton Wins Big in New York, So Now Let Bernie Sanders Be Bernie
After getting shellacked in New York, Sanders needs to refocus on the issues that built his candidacy rather than Hillary Clinton.

With Big New York Win, Donald Trump Regains Fickle Momentum
Donald Trump won big in New York, flipping the narrative if not changing the game.

Trump’s Trade Policy Is a Big Loser for the U.S. Economy
Fortunately, Trump couldn’t keep all his trade promises, but he could still do a lot of damage.

Donald Trump Makes ‘7-11’ Gaffe During 9/11 Tribute Before New York Primary
What everyone’s saying about Donald Trump accidentally referring to the 9/11 terrorist attacks as 7-11.

A Lesson of Humility in the Quest to Build a Great Urban School District
A sweeping judicial diktat failed to overhaul the Kansas City education system. Could small steps hold the key to success instead?

Substance Use Treatment Works Better Than Any War on Drugs
Early intervention and treatment are more effective at combating addiction than any war on drugs.

Impeaching Dilma Rousseff Might Be Good for Brazil
Dumping President Dilma Rousseff will strenghten Brazilian democracy in the long term.

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