Politics: All the latest Headlines from The Washington Post

Ed Rendell apologizes for ‘ugly women’ remarks in Washington Post interview
A joke he made about why Donald Trump’s misogynistic remarks would backfire unexpectedly went viral, earning headlines from local Pennsylvania newspapers to People magazine.

House passes defense policy bill under veto threat
House passes annual defense policy bill with controversial measures intact

Biden says there is no ‘fundamental split’ among Democrats; expects unity.
Biden called on the Vermont democratic socialist to be “more aggressive” in denouncing the violent behavior of his supporters after a raucous party convention in Las Vegas.

Top House Republican moves to censure IRS chief
A vote to censure would not force the tax collector from office, but it would send a strong message from conservatives: We don’t like you or your agency.

Trump-haters’ November nightmare has arrived in the form of a Fox News poll
Trump leads in a mainstream media poll for the first time since February.

Trump releases list of 11 judges he’d consider nominating to Supreme Court
Most of the names were suggested by the conservative Heritage Foundation, but some also reflect Trump’s outsider mind-set.

Trump’s deal with the RNC shows how big money is flowing back to the parties
Thanks to looser rules, a DNC donor can give more than $1 million this cycle.

Bernie Sanders: ‘Thank You, Reddit!’ | Campaign 2016
A day after his win in the Oregon primary, Bernie Sanders’s campaign posted a video of the Democratic presidential candidate thanking his supporters on Reddit, the self-proclaimed front page of the Internet.

Hillary Clinton holds on to narrow lead after all votes counted in Kentucky
Bernie Sanders’s campaign said it has not yet decided whether it would seek a recount or a recanvass of the votes.

Willett: ‘A judge … has to be impartial’
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has named Justice Don Willett as one of the people he would consider nominating to the Supreme Court. In this promotional video, Willett discusses a judge’s responsibility not to be “political.”

Veep staging ground? Policy moves put possible Latino picks in spotlight.
In their Cabinet jobs, Democrats Castro and Perez pursue changes sought by the left.

Senators press personnel agency on planned revamp of background investigations
Two senators want details on a new bureau that will take over background investigations, while seeking assurance that the project will amount to more than a reshuffling.

The glorious tweets of @JusticeWillett, who made Donald Trump’s SCOTUS short-list
“I’m the most avid judicial tweeter in America, which is like being the tallest Munchkin in Oz.”

Is Bernie Sanders doing any better than he was when voting began?
Holding different contests under different rules at different times makes that surprisingly hard to answer.

Ed Rendell suggests ugly women will oppose Donald Trump. Oh, the irony.
Not helping.

A fractured Democratic Party threatens Clinton’s chances against Trump
With the nomination out of Sanders’s reach, his supporters are showing no signs of rallying behind Clinton.

Donald Trump releases list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees
Trump first promised to release the list in March, when then-rival Ted Cruz warned Republicans that Trump would appoint liberal judges to the court.

Why this judge has such a lively Twitter feed
Texas judge Don Willett has been named on a Supreme Court nominee short list by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. In this clip from a Georgia State University School of Law panel, Willett talks about why he decided to have a lively social media presence.

New Army secretary confirmed, Senate steps up to Saudis, and the money to get Afghan militants to lay down their arms runs out
A daily roundup of top foreign policy and defense headlines.

Megyn Kelly no longer such a media darling after Barbara Walters-esque Trump interview
When Trump was hurling insults, Kelly was unassailable. Not anymore.

13 minutes of video that show why Hillary Clinton isn’t unbeatable in the general election
There are weaknesses. Big weaknesses.

Donald Trump somehow thinks Ferguson and Oakland are dangerous like Iraq
They aren’t.

John Legend, Stevie Wonder help Clinton refill campaign coffers as pricey primary season grinds to close
Hillary Clinton’s unexpectedly grueling primary battle with Sen. Bernie Sanders has left the campaign with a short-term cash crunch.

Rand Paul: ‘Thank You, Kentucky!’ | Campaign 2016
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) thanked Kentucky voters in a video posted by his Senate campaign after he won the Senate Republican primary in his state May 17. Paul vowed to fight to control spending and defend the coal industry.

Are you #NeverTrump? You’ve got to follow this guy on Twitter
Rick Wilson is producing some of Twitter’s funniest anti-Trump riffs.

A definitive guide to Donald Trump’s tweeting habits
From messages dictated to young female staffers to retweets, here’s how Trump says he uses Twitter.

Why Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders ran so close in Kentucky after Sanders romped in West Virginia
The big ones: Demographics, ad spending and primary type.

Bernie Sanders just keeps beating Hillary Clinton. So what?
She is still going to be the nominee. But….

Bernie Sanders’s bad delegate math just keeps getting worse
He needs more than 90 percent of the pledged delegates to pass Clinton’s overall lead.

Trump’s appeal stretches to suburbs that had been trending blue
He must do well in unlikely states and unlikely parts of some states, such as the suburbs of Philadelphia.

Clinton aides Mills, Abedin subpoenaed over email; group seeks to depose Clinton
State Dept. officials begin depositions Wednesday on whether email setup thwarted FOIA.

Silicon Valley mocks Trump’s ‘bubble’ warning; Clinton supporters launch digital ad blitz; can Apple bring manufacturing back to the U.S.?
Your morning tech policy news roundup.

House set to vote on AUMF legitimizing the war against the Islamic State
Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said Tuesday night that he thought Lee had “a really good argument.”

Democrats’ latest Supreme Court tactic: No recess till confirmation
After months of debate in the Senate, House members look to get involved.

The next frontier in the bathroom law debate: Changing birth certificates
Advocates of so-called bathroom bills may have helped to drive up interest in birth certificate changes.

Next cyberattack front could be your car
The Government Accountability Office, in a report, says cyberattackers “could theoretically achieve massive attacks of multiple vehicles simultaneously.”

The Daily 202: Liberal allies turning on Bernie Sanders after Nevada donnybrook
He wins Oregon, trails in Kentucky

Religious liberty measure heads to House floor after bipartisan bid to kill it fails
The House GOP majority blocked a bipartisan attempt to strip a measure from the defense bill that could lead to discrimination against LGBT contractors.

Clinton campaign’s claim that Trump would ‘force schools to allow guns in classrooms’
We look into what exactly Donald Trump has said about getting rid of gun-free zones in schools.

Hillary Clinton released her financial disclosure form, pushes Trump to release his taxes
Bill and Hillary Clinton brought in about $6.7 million in paid speeches since the beginning of 2015.

Trump projected to win Oregon’s Republican primary
Businessman Donald Trump is the projected winner in the Republican presidential primary in Oregon, according to the Associated Press, an expected outcome after being declared the party’s presumptive nominee earlier this month. This is a developing story. It will be updated.

Donors can give nearly $500,000 to new joint fundraising effort between Trump and RNC
His embrace of fundraising marks a turnabout from Trump’s posture throughout the primary contest, in which he maintained he was self-funding his bid.

The Kentucky Democratic primary, in one minute
The Kentucky Democratic primary, in one minute.

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