Education: Interesting Stories from Forbes Magazine

Diversity in Fashion: Are Millennials and Social Media the Answer To Changing Beauty Ideals?
In one of the most watched Ted Talks of all time, fashion model Cameron Russell said, ”I won a genetic lottery and I am the recipient of a legacy.” By legacy—she means “health, youth, symmetry and all that we are biologically programmed to like”—but also a legacy that values tall, slender figures and white skin.

What Are BASIS Charter Schools And How Are They Rewriting The Education Rules?
In the latest U.S. News & World Report ranking of the top public high schools in America, seven of the top 10 are test-in schools. Students have to be “gifted and talented” or come armed with high test scores, GPAs and teacher recommendations or the ability to write a great essay on demand. And then there are the three BASIS schools that ranked number 2, 3 and 6. They are all Arizona charter schools with no admissions tests. The only requirement is an application for the lottery.

Diversity in Fashion: Are Millennials and Social Media the Answer To Changing Beauty Ideals?
In one of the most watched Ted Talks of all time, fashion model Cameron Russell said, ”I won a genetic lottery and I am the recipient of a legacy.” By legacy—she means “health, youth, symmetry and all that we are biologically programmed to like”—but also a legacy that values tall, slender figures and white skin.  White models benefit from a “deck stacked in their favor as a result of centuries of racial oppression,” Cameron points out in the talk, while taking ownership over the fact the she has, indeed, profited from the status quo.  But for as much diversity as we put on fashion runways and in ads (which are ultimately sales tools for brands), how does inclusiveness inform a brand’s marketing strategy when the consumer–as Russell points out–is programmed to appreciate and venerate a white standard of beauty?  Look at what happened when MAC cosmetics posted an close up image of Ugandan model, Aamito Lagum’s, lips on Instagram in February of this year. The racist vitriol that followed in the comments is a real world testament to how far we still have to go to shift the perception of beauty in the West.

Will Millennials Just Uber Their Life?
For the past few years, the car industry has faced a dilemma due to the reduction in car purchases by Millennials. Some blamed it on the new demand economy, which created Uber; however, recent studies have uncovered a different culprit.

How Some Of The Poorest Girls In The World Get Exactly The Education They Need
“To care for yourself, you need first to care for others — so that you feel valued,” one teenage girl reads from a black and white speckled composition book.

Decoding Your Child’s Bedroom
We’ve all seen it: the bedroom that looks like a bombsite. Dirty clothes scattered everywhere, solitary socks separated from their mates, sneakers hiding under the desk like guilty criminals…and yes, books and papers and calculators and binders…everywhere.  A peek inside the well-worn backpack reveals a similar landscape of demolished paperbacks and crumpled tests, maybe even a bit of yesterday’s ham sandwich.

5 Mistakes To Avoid Making At Your Internship This Summer
You only have a couple weeks to make a good impression. Avoid making these mistakes at your summer internship.

Best Billionaire Commencement Speeches

The Class Of 2016 Is In For A Nasty Surprise
A college degree is no longer a guarantee of a good job, while a new survey finds a mismatch between graduate expectations and the reality that awaits them in the workforce.

Graduating A Majority-Female Physics Class
Nationally the proportion of women earning degrees in physics averages 20% across all degree levels, the lowest of all the physical sciences. In spring 2016, Harvey Mudd College graduated 52% women physics majors. Harvey Mudd president Maria Klawe and incoming physics chair Theresa Lynn discuss ways to encourage women to pursue physics.

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