When Do You Need Travel Insurance?

Ford’s consumers may be behind the wheel, but the car manufacturer ensures that they stay ahead when it comes to technology and innovation. Ford has begun 2016 with some interesting and much-awaited announcements for technology-lovers. Ford Motor Company ( F ) is expanding its SYNC system to enhance the connectivity

Auto Insurance for the Rich Often Covers and Costs More
It may be surprising, but your level of wealth can impact your car insurance coverage

Warren Buffett's 5 Reasons to Never Retire
By Morgan Quinn Many people dream of the day when they can finally quit working and enjoy retirement. But to Warren Buffett, retirement “is not my idea of living,” he has said. He might be on to something. At 85 years young, when many of his contemporaries have long since retired, Buffett remains at the helm of

8 Strategies for Managing Your Teen's 'Gap Year' Experience
By Jeff Matheson Learn more about Jeff on NerdWallet’s Ask an Advisor An increasing number of U.S. students are participating in a “gap year,” in which they take a break from their studies to explore the world, often right after graduating from high school. The benefits for students can include personal

The Hottest Travel Destinations for 2016
By Charlene Oldham When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, Americans are most concerned with their health, according to the social media monitoring company Digimind. However, with 12,224 mentions on social media, travel is the second most popular topic of discussion, logging 12,224 mentions in the waning days of

Driverless Cars On the Road To Reality
The idea of a “driverless” vehicle, which sounded crazy until a few years ago, is getting closer to reality. Although many car manufacturing and technology supplier companies have been working and conducting tests of ‘partially’ and ‘fully’ automated versions of vehicles on road, the whole idea was incomplete without

Redefining Success for Yourself
Are you

20 Tricks to Retiring Rich
By Cameron Huddleston When you envision your retirement, what do you see yourself doing: Traveling to faraway places? Indulging in hobbies you didn’t have time to enjoy while you were working? Or pinching pennies just to cover the bills? The latter is probably not your ideal retirement , but it will likely be

30 Important Things to Do Before You Retire
By Alaina Tweddale There are plenty of must-do tasks in the year or two before retirement to make sure you’ve considered all the angles and created the most comprehensive of plans. Here’s a roundup of the 30 most important must-do items that experts say any pre-retiree needs to do to get ready for the golden

Star Wars VII: The Audience Awakens
While I do not see EconMatters as a movie critic like Roger Ebert, sometimes it feels almost like civil duty to let people know not to waste money on a bad movie.  I missed the Start War VII when it opened during Christmas last year and at the same time endured  a horrible experience with Fandango .  In retrospect, I

15 Tips and Tricks to Retire Early
By Jaime Catmull Numerous people have retired in their 30s, 40s and 50s, taking time to relax, travel or pursue their dreams. If you envy them, you don’t have to. With proper planning, a little discipline and a few smart moves, you, too, can retire early . Here are 15 tips that, if you put them into action now,

Creating Maps That Tell Stories: How Earliest Humans Inspired Social Media's Latest Innovation
By Jim Probasco Citymaps is a social mapping platform where the word “map” means much more than location, directions and transit. In Citymaps world, created by entrepreneurs, Elliot Cohen and Aaron Rudenstine, a map is an experience – better yet, a story. Cohen and Rudenstine spoke with Benzinga about the

10 Things That Will Be Cheaper for You Because of Falling Oil Prices
By Chuck Epstein While oil prices on global markets have fallen about 60 percent since June 2014, according to the BBC, the drop has created major losses for the oil industry and its workers. But because oil is one of the economy’s most important commodities, it has produced price benefits for consumers in many

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