This Freshman GOP Senator Could Defy Wall Street
Bloomberg–2 hours ago
The freshman Republican senator from Louisiana is one of a handful of lawmakers who could squash the finance industry’s dream of tweaking …

Denmark Decides to Make It ‘More Attractive to Work’
Bloomberg–Aug 29, 2017
“With this proposal, we’re tackling a number of concrete challenges,” FinanceMinister Kristian Jensen said in the statement. “We’re increasing …

Japan’s Deputy PM Regrets Saying Hitler Had ‘Correct Motivations’
Bloomberg–8 hours ago
After the speech was reported by local media, Aso, who is also finance minister, issued a statement retracting the comments, saying he referred …

Trump tightens Venezuela’s access to US financial system
Washington Post–Aug 25, 2017
President Trump moved Friday to restrict the Venezuelan government’s access to the U.S. financial system and squeeze the oil-based economy …

What Happens if Congress Rejects Border Wall Funding?
U.S. News & World Report–Aug 28, 2017
The budget debate is also complicated by the need to finance support for victims of Harvey, the worst storm to hit Texas in more than 50 years, …

Yellen Issues Broad Defense of Post-Crisis Financial Rules
Bloomberg–Aug 25, 2017
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said any rollback of post-crisis financial reforms should be “modest” because they’ve made the banking …

World’s Biggest Wind Turbine Maker Waves Goodbye to Oil Industry
Bloomberg–Aug 28, 2017
The irony is that Denmark will need the income from oil and gas to finance its green transition and meet a pledge to stop using fossil fuels by …

There’s Still Too Much Risk in the Financial System
Bloomberg–Aug 10, 2017
Realizing the threat to systemic financial stability, the ECB under the leadership of Jean-Claude Trichet did what central banks do best in these …

This Woman May Have the Toughest Job in Australia
Bloomberg–Aug 28, 2017
Some trace the roots of the current crisis to a false sense of security following the global financial crisis, which left Australian banks with their …

Houston Wasn’t Built for a Storm Like This
Slate Magazine–Aug 27, 2017
USWEATHERSTORMHARVEY_3 A submerged car is seen on Interstate 610 North on Sunday in Houston as the city battles with tropical storm …
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