How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media
New York Times–Oct 20, 2017
Yet the psychology behind social media platforms — the dynamics that make them such powerful vectors of misinformation in the first place …

Does social media threaten the illusion of news neutrality?
Engadget–Oct 20, 2017
In an article posted last week, the Times said that while social media “plays a vital role” in its journalism, since it can act as a tool to better …

The Times Issues Social Media Guidelines for the Newsroom
New York Times–Oct 13, 2017
The New York Times has been a dominant force on social media for …. is that they are a little different from The Times’s article pages in tone …

Russian court fines gay rights activist sharing LGBT articles on …
Washington Times–Oct 19, 2017
… has been fined for sharing links on social media involving the LGBT movement, including articles published by BuzzFeed and The Guardian.

#MeToo Floods Social Media With Stories of Harassment and Assault
New York Times–Oct 16, 2017
The actress Alyssa Milano urged people to acknowledge on social media if they had experienced sexual harassment or assault. Credit Randy …

Do your press releases pass the smell test?
PR Daily–4 hours ago
To make the most of your media relations efforts, consider these tips … A version of this article originally appeared on Muck Rack, a service that …

At BuzzFeed, a Pivot to Movies and Television
New York Times–16 hours ago
His interest in media and technology began early. …. The talk turned to a recent article about the right-wing website Breitbart and one of its …

This Is How Sinclair Broadcast Group’s Leader Views the Media
Mother Jones–2 hours ago
“With all due respect, [in] my 40+ years of being in the media, I can tell you I have not seen one article written by the print or internet that was …

Malta’s People and Media Take up Slain Reporter’s Message
U.S. News & World Report–10 hours ago
Maltese citizens rallied to honor an investigative journalist killed by a car bomb, but top political leaders who were chief targets of Daphne …
Daphne’s murder: Media houses unite – ‘The pen conquers fear’
International–Malta Independent Online–Oct 21, 2017
International–Malta Independent Online–Oct 21, 2017

As the World Tweets, Social Media Chiefs Remain Tight-Lipped
New York Times–Oct 16, 2017
Maybe the flaw in the social-media matrix lies in the whole concept of …. A version of this article appears in print on October 16, 2017, on Page …
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