What Trump won’t tweet: 4 reasons for a free press
CNN–Nov 19, 2017
This is the next installment in the CNN Opinion series on the challenges …. The anarchist Emma Goldman wrote many articles early in the 20th …

Why Can’t We Protect Elephants?
New York Times–Nov 18, 2017
Lately I’ve been haunted by a photo. In it, a mother elephant and her baby are running across a road in West Bengal, India. The mother has her …

How Evil Is Tech?
New York Times–Nov 20, 2017
Not long ago, tech was the coolest industry. Everybody wanted to work at Google, Facebook and Apple. But over the past year the mood has …

Can My Children Be Friends With White People?
New York Times–Nov 11, 2017
My oldest son, wrestling with a 4-year-old’s happy struggles, is trying to clarify how many people can be his best friend. “My best friends are you …
Opinion: What is impact branding?
Transform magazine–Nov 21, 2017
Yet, in a recent interview article on the global situation in CSR, Bob Langert, former VP of sustainability at McDonald’s, said, “One of the biggest …

Johnson Elementary class contributes opinions to New York Times …
Charlottesville Tomorrow–15 hours ago
For its recurring “Speak Your Mind” feature, editors at the Times are visiting classrooms and helping students write their own opinion articles.

When you get money from pro-BDS bodies, you become part of BDS
Ynetnews–Nov 20, 2017
Noam Chayut, one of the organization’s three board members, published an articletitled “The exceptional person is one who is unwilling to kill …

We Can’t Trust Facebook to Regulate Itself
New York Times–Nov 19, 2017
I led Facebook’s efforts to fix privacy problems on its developer platform in advance of its 2012 initial public offering. What I saw from the inside …

Do you really want advice from a stranger on how to ‘handle’ your …
Los Angeles Times–Nov 21, 2017
And yet the Trump Thanksgiving articles have a formula. … he still treats my opinions with the same respect he accorded them when I was 5.

The Dangers of Forcing Gender Equality in Afghanistan
New York Times–Nov 20, 2017
KABUL, Afghanistan — Sitting cross-legged on the floor of a sparsely decorated Kabul apartment, the young, bubbly woman told me why she …
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