Food companies in space race to beef up menu for astronauts
Asahi Shimbun–14 hours ago
Food firms are now chomping at the bit for the chance to tout their chow as food that can be served on Earth and in space. To do so, manufacturers apply to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to register their products as Japanese Space Food, which means that astronauts can pop it into their …

The French Secret To Saving Money (And The Environment)–4 hours ago
During my eight-month stint in the food capital of the world, I learned my fair share about food, from the proper ratio of buckwheat flour to water for perfectly crispy galettes to the laws (yes, laws) regulating baguette ingredients. But perhaps the most formative and unexpected lesson of all was about food …
New curb on import of food articles
Free Press Journal–Dec 2, 2017
New Delhi : The Government has empowered the Custom not to clear any food article unless it has a valid shelf life of not less than 60% or three months before expiry, whichever is less at the time of import. A Gazette notification issued by the Health Ministry on behalf of the Food Safety and Standards …

State of the industry: Confectionery
Food Business News–1 hour ago
Changes in consumer attitudes about sugar-based snacks and a shift to on-line shopping are among factors pressuring the U.S. confectionery category. KANSAS CITY — The news announced in June that Vevey, Switzerland-based Nestle S.A. had conducted a strategic review of its $925 million U.S. …
Subway snags industry vet for ‘global transformation’
Food Business News–1 hour ago
In his new role, Mr. Van Popering is tasked with driving Subway’s global transformation through foodinnovation, brand positioning, visual identity and channel development, which includes delivery, catering and mobile ordering, Subway said. “Few brands have the opportunity to impact dining habits …

Government to restrict terms like ‘fresh’, ‘natural’ in food ads
Economic Times–Nov 23, 2017
“Health claims for fortified food articles should be like Vitamin A for helping in preventing night blindness, Iron for fighting anaemia, Iodine required for normal growth, thyroid and brain function. Thiamine is required for normal nerve and heart function,” says the draft, adding “a statement that in order to …

Chefs and Servers Reveal the 15 Things They’d Never Order at a …
Food & Wine–Nov 8, 2017
In a recent AskReddit thread, a user posed the question, “Chefs and waiters of Reddit, what type of dish do you always avoid when eating at another restaurant and why?” The responses from users, who claim to have worked in restaurants, were empassioned, to say the least. Here are the 15 types of foods …

Produce or Else: Wal-Mart and Kroger Get Tough With Food …
Wall Street Journal–Nov 27, 2017
The country’s biggest grocers are increasingly demanding their suppliers deliver on time, imposing fines for late shipments as they try to keep customers satisfied and better compete with online retailers like Kroger Co. is fining suppliers $500 for every order that is more than two days late to …

35+ Restaurants Open on Thanksgiving Day 2017
Money Magazine–Nov 22, 2017
If you’re more in the mood for coffee or fast food at some point on Thanksgiving, don’t worry: Most McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Burger King locations are also open on Thanksgiving Day, albeit sometimes with limited hours. (On the other hand, some major restaurant chains, like Olive Garden, are closed on …

Relax, You Don’t Need to ‘Eat Clean’
New York Times–Nov 4, 2017
A few limited studies followed, along with a spate of news articles. Before long, nutrition experts and consumer advocates such as Ralph Nader were calling for MSG to be banned. The Food and Drug Administration never had to step in; foodcompanies saw the writing on the wall, and dropped MSG …
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