Ohio River Towboat Captain Navigates a Changing America
U.S. News & World Report–1 hour ago
The population of Portsmouth, Ohio, has thinned by more than 20 percent from the 1980s, according to U.S. Census data, an era marked by the closure of an Empire-Detroit steel … Coal shipments on the Ohio River have tumbled 33 percent in the past decade, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers data shows.

US Appeals Courts to Consider Legality of Trump’s Latest Travel Ban
U.S. News & World Report–Dec 4, 2017
FILE PHOTO: Ahmed Khalil, an Egyptian national residing in the United States, hugs his daughters Laila, 6, and Farida, 8, as they arrive at Washington Dulles International Airport after the Trump administration’s travel ban was allowed back into effect pending further judicial review, in Dulles, Virginia, U.S. …

Wary China Eyes US Tax Cut as Currency Risk and Reform Chance
Bloomberg–5 hours ago
A Senate vote early Saturday brings the U.S. close to a cut in the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and temporary tax reductions for most Americans. Such a sweeping change in the world’s largest economy may push up the dollar on the back of repatriating capital and faster economic growth, …

Houston Rebuffed by US Supreme Court on Same-Sex Benefits
Bloomberg–15 hours ago
The U.S. Supreme Court let a challenge go forward to Houston’s practice of providing benefits to the same-sex spouses of city employees, leaving intact a Texas Supreme Court decision that calls the policy into … The U.S. Supreme Court this week is considering gay-marriage rights in a different context.

The Latest: Wildfire Burns 150 Structures; Winds Increasing
U.S. News & World Report–1 hour ago
SANTA PAULA, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on a wildfire in Southern California (all times local):. 3:50 a.m.. A wind-whipped wildfire in Southern California has scorched 48 square miles, destroyed 150 structures and left one firefighter injured, and officials say winds are increasing. Authorities say the blaze …

US Tax Cuts Seen Giving Modest Growth Boost, Survey Shows
Bloomberg–Dec 3, 2017
About half of economists say fiscal policy changes will augment U.S. growth by 0.2 to 0.39 percentage point in 2018, according to a survey of 51 forecasters by the National Association for Business Economics conducted Nov. 6-15. About one-fifth project a bigger gain and another fifth see no benefit to …

Wooden Dams and River Jams: US Strains to Ship Record Grains
U.S. News & World Report–1 hour ago
Twenty-five year-old lead deckhand Chase Osborne stands at the head of the tow as Campbell Transportation’s towboat H.K McNally enters the New Cumberland Lock on the Ohio River in Stratton, Ohio, U.S., September 10, 2017. According to the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, the New Cumberland …

The Latest: Relative Says Conyers Won’t Seek Re-Election
U.S. News & World Report–1 hour ago
The Latest: Relative Says Conyers Won’t Seek Re-Election. A relative of John Conyers says the longest-serving current U.S. House member won’t seek re-election amid allegations that he sexually harassed several female staff members. Dec. 5, 2017, at 7:08 a.m.. The Latest: Relative Says Conyers Won’t Seek Re-Election …

Manafort, Russian Ghostwrote Op-Ed to Buff Image, US Says
Bloomberg–13 hours ago
It was not clear who the Russian co-writer is, or where the duo tried to get the articlepublished. The government alerted Manafort’s attorney on Nov. 30 and was assured that steps would be taken to stop publication, according to the filing. Prosecutors seek to file the English-language piece separately under …

The US Economy Is Finally Living Up to Lowered Expectations
Bloomberg–Dec 4, 2017
People are cheering that the U.S. economy is finally back to operating at its full potential, eight years after the global financial crisis ended. “U.S. Economy Reaches Its Potential Output for First Time in Decade,” the Wall Street Journal headlined its story on Nov. 29. “The crisis is officially over,” Deutsche …
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