Articles of impeachment
Arkansas Online–5 hours ago
Talk about articles of impeachment. The papers are full of such articles these days, and a lot of them discuss the idea of impeaching the current president of the United States. Most times, those articlesmention the name Al Green–no, not that one. The politician Al Green from Houston. This guy won’t quit.

New Star labels differentiate between news and opinion
Toronto Star–Dec 8, 2017
You can find a “glossary” of the labels we now use to differentiate news from opinionpublished in the “footer” of the home page of In brief, news is defined as “verified information based in the impartial reporting of facts,” and opinion as, “articles based on personal interpretation and judgment of …

Trumpocalypse: The End Game
New York Times–Dec 8, 2017
You can see where this is headed, the once bright and shiny democracy going down the drain before the holidays are out. The Russians, the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his agents, desperate men flipped and singing to save their souls — all may soon be gone, by President Trump’s design.

Discourse & Debate: What’s the role of campus media?
CU Columbia Spectator–7 hours ago
Imagine an interface in which all opinions were given perfectly equal weight. There would be no selective amplification, and every statement—no matter what it said or who said it—would be considered with identical authority. It would be a perfectly democratic process; all opinions, articles, and media …

Rise of the Roypublicans
New York Times–11 hours ago
If Alabama voters on Tuesday elect Roy Moore to the Senate, the Donald Trump-diseased party once known as the Republicans may as well call themselves Roypublicans. There will be no way to shake the stench of this homophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, racist apologist and accused pedophile.

Say no to the tyranny of the majority
Ynetnews–5 hours ago
I objected to that term, I greatly disagreed with the opinions of political leaders at the time, but I respected their modest lifestyle. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter. In the 21st century, in a state that has raised the banner of democratic values and shared responsibility, the coalition chairman declares …

Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That
New York Times–Dec 3, 2017
We now know better. Recently I sat down and read an article dating from October of 2016; it was published days after my departure from NBC, a time when I wasn’t processing anything productively. In it, the author reviewed the various firsthand accounts about Mr. Trump that, at that point, had come from 20 …

I Grew Up Around Korean Beauty Products. Americans, You’ve Been …
New York Times–Dec 9, 2017
I have no opinion as to whether snails are particularly young-looking, but my experience is that their excretions do work on humans. That aside, as someone who … Dozens of articles in the Western press claim that Korean beauty innovation is 10 years ahead of the rest of the world. So … in beauty terms, …

Yahoo Singapore News
Party Without Parliamentary Seats Leads in Slovenia Opinion Poll
U.S. News & World Report–2 hours ago
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) – A centre-left party that has no seats in Slovenia’s parliament and is led by a former comedian topped an opinion poll published by daily newspaper Delo on Monday, about six months ahead of an expected general election. The Lista Marjana Sarca (LMS) under Marjan Sarec, mayor …

Harvard Material? Yes, You Are.
Harvard Crimson–10 hours ago
In order to ensure the impartiality of our journalism, Crimson editors who choose to opine and vote at these meetings are not involved in the reporting of articles on similar topics. Want to keep up with breaking news? Subscribe to our email newsletter. Read more in Opinion. Stop Protecting Harvey …
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