The science that’s never been cited–Dec. 13, 2017
Many scientists harbour false impressions about uncited research — both its extent and its impact on scholarship. One widely repeated estimate, reported in a controversial article in Science in 1990, suggests that more than half of all academic articles remain uncited five years after their publication.

These are the most-read Science News stories of 2017
Science News–Dec. 13, 2017
BETTER BLUES SN’s article about the wings of this morpho dragonfly creating natural blue colors in a really complicated way was our top online story in 2017. GREG LASLEY/INATURALIST.ORG (CC BY-NC 4.0). Magazine issue: Vol. 192, No. 11, December 23, 2017, p. 38. Email. Email. Print. Print. Twitter.

How Trump Shaped Science in 2017
Scientific American–Dec. 14, 2017
This has been a whirlwind year in politics, to put it mildly. Donald Trump’s presidency has triggered tectonic shifts in numerous areas of government, and those involving science have been no exception. Just after the election Scientific American predicted Trump’s tenure would have widespread effects on …
How to find free science articles for your MPA
MPA News–Dec. 13, 2017
Instead of simply searching for science on Google, search Google Scholar. Google Scholar does a better job of finding free versions of journal articles. If a free PDF version of an article is available, a link to it will appear to the right of each search result in Google Scholar. If you find an interesting paper but it …

These weather events turned extreme thanks to human-driven …
Science News–15 hours ago
GONE DRY Villagers try to catch fish in a dried-up pond in West Bengal, India. A deadly heat wave that swept across Asia in 2016 led to widespread drought that affected hundreds of millions in India. Such an intense and prolonged heat wave, scientists now report, could not have happened without …

How an Iraqi translation project is helping to rebuild science in the …
The Conversation UK–20 hours ago
ITP translates cultural articles, videos and documentaries, with particular concentration on science-related digital materials for a general audience, of which there is a severe lack in Arabic. The project runs entirely on a voluntary basis, and currently has over 50 active volunteers, including some qualified or …

Is This Cigar-Shaped Asteroid Watching Us?
Slate Magazine–Dec. 13, 2017
Some scientists think that’s a possibility—and that it’s happening right now. Starting at … at the Pan-STARRS project at the University of Hawaii, the 800-meter-long, 80-meter-wide, cigar-shaped rock is, technically speaking, weird as hell—and that’s precisely why some scientists think it’s not a natural object.

Is Wikipedia a Trustworthy Academic Resource? Scientists Think So
EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education–16 hours ago
The new scientific Wikipedia articles received thousands of views per month, including many from researchers writing scientific literature. eCampus News reports that the researchers found Wikipedia to be influencing one word in every 300 in typical scientific articles. “Our research shows that scientists are …

Can You Use This Data Set to Find Serial Killers?
Slate Magazine–13 hours ago
We statisticians and social scientists are always trying to ensure that the data we collect or use are accurate, complete, and clean. We use data to estimate the effects of policies, and answering those questions requires data strong enough and clean enough to survive scrutiny. But data can also be used to …

What Journaling Actually Does To Your Brain, According To Science–2 hours ago
Ever feel like health news is too overwhelming, fast-paced, or hard to decipher? Us too. Here, we filter through the latest in integrative health, wellness trends, and nutrition advice, reporting on the most exciting and meaningful breakthroughs. We’ll tell you exactly what you need to know—and how it might …
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