The science that’s never been cited–Dec. 13, 2017
Many scientists harbour false impressions about uncited research — both its extent and its impact on scholarship. One widely repeated estimate, reported in a controversial article in Science in 1990, suggests that more than half of all academic articles remain uncited five years after their publication.

The Biggest Science Scandals of 2017
The Scientist–Dec. 15, 2017
Each year, amidst the technological breakthroughs and pioneering research studies that emerge from the scientific community, a few bad eggs warrant headlines of their own. Below is The Scientist’s roundup of some of the most scandalous happenings in the life science over the past 12 months.

2017 in news: The science events that shaped the year–3 hours ago
This year marked the start of a new era in astronomy: one in which scientists can study celestial phenomena through the radiation they emit and the ripples they create in space-time. On 16 October, researchers revealed the first observations of the collision of two neutron stars. This confirmed detailed …
How to find free science articles for your MPA
MPA News–Dec. 13, 2017
Instead of simply searching for science on Google, search Google Scholar. Google Scholar does a better job of finding free versions of journal articles. If a free PDF version of an article is available, a link to it will appear to the right of each search result in Google Scholar. If you find an interesting paper but it …

2017 in pictures: The best science images of the year–3 hours ago
The spectacular total solar eclipse that swept the United States dominated headlines as it delighted scientists and the public alike in August 2017 (the composite image above shows the event’s progression as seen from Perryville, Missouri). The year also brought innovations in spaceflight and surprising …

Season’s Micro-Greetings: Scientists Claim Smallest Christmas Card
U.S. News & World Report–12 hours ago
(Reuters) – British scientists have created what they believe is the world’s smallest Christmas card, a seasonal greeting so tiny that over 200 million of them could fit into a standard postage stamp. The card, created by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the U.K.’s national measurement standards …

2017’s Science News in Review
The Scientist–Dec. 15, 2017
Peggy Mikros, a caterer, at the March for Science in ChicagoKERRY GRENSThe past 12 months have seen no shortage of science scandals, policy upheaval, and publishing turmoil (so we gave them their own dedicated end-of-year summaries). Yet the show of solidarity within the scientific community this …

What the Pliocene epoch can teach us about future warming on Earth
Science News–Nov. 28, 2017
This article appears in the December 9, 2017 issue of Science News with the headline, “Lessons from the Pliocene: A warm period in the past offers a window to the future.” Citations. B. de Boer et al. The transient response of ice volume to orbital forcing during the warm late Pliocene. Geophysical …

Uproar Over Purported Ban at CDC of Words Like ‘Fetus’
New York Times–Dec. 16, 2017
The article said that C.D.C. policy analysts were told of the forbidden words and phrases at a meeting on Thursday with senior officials who oversee the … that it has come under various pressures, most involving Mr. Trump’s “America First” stance and his dislike of foreign aid rather than basic science itself.

Here’s what the science says about animal sentience
The Conversation UK–Nov. 24, 2017
There seems to be significant confusion about what happened in the British parliament when MPs discussed a proposed amendment to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill to formally recognise animal sentience. But where science is concerned, animal sentience is in no doubt. The definition of sentient is simply “able …
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