My Year of No Shopping
New York Times–Dec. 15, 2017
Nashville — The idea began in February 2009 over lunch with my friend Elissa, someone I like but rarely see. She walked into the restaurant wearing a fitted black coat with a high collar. “Wow,” I said admiringly. “Some coat.” She stroked the sleeve. “Yeah. I bought it at the end of my no-shopping year.

The Bitcoin Boom: In Code We Trust
New York Times–Dec. 18, 2017
You don’t need brilliant financial analysis skills to notice that Bitcoin is in a bubble. It has grown in value from about 39 cents to over $18,000 in just eight years and recently attracted broad media attention by doubling in just a few days. The conventional wisdom had been that illegal and illicit transactions …

New Star labels differentiate between news and opinion
Toronto Star–Dec. 8, 2017
You can find a “glossary” of the labels we now use to differentiate news from opinionpublished in the “footer” of the home page of In brief, news is defined as “verified information based in the impartial reporting of facts,” and opinion as, “articles based on personal interpretation and judgment of …

France’s Macron Firms up Bounce in Opinion Polls
U.S. News & World Report–8 hours ago
France’s Macron Firms up Bounce in Opinion Polls … PARIS (Reuters) – French president Emmanuel Macron’s popularity jumped back above 50 percent thanks in part to better ratings among the young and the working class, an opinion poll showed on Wednesday, confirming a rebound that started at the …

Trump’s National Security Strategy Is a Farce
New York Times–Dec. 19, 2017
The Trump Administration has put out its new national security strategy. This is a farce. On any one issue, President Trump and his team have several contradictory positions. That’s what happens when your priority as president is to use foreign policy to throw red meat to your base while other cabinet …

Looking back: the top 10 opinion articles of 2017
Marketing magazine Australia–Dec. 17, 2017
Looking back: the top 10 opinion articles of 2017 … Looking back: the top 10 opinion articles of 2017. Opinionated and insightful, there’s been plenty of thought-leadership, advice and healthy debate in 2017. Here’s a selection of some of our most read opinion pieces as chosen by you, our readers.

Opinion: The rule of law à la maltaise – Kevin Aquilina
Malta Independent Online–1 hour ago
The rule of law à la maltaise is the title of a book I have just published. I consider the rule of law to be paramount to a civilised democratic society. À la maltaise(the Maltese way of doing things) has had to be added to the book’s title precisely to distinguish the theoretical concept of ‘the rule of law’ from the …

America’s New Religion: Fox Evangelicalism
New York Times–Dec. 15, 2017
To hear the Christian right tell it, President Trump should be a candidate for sainthood — that is, if evangelicals believed in saints. “Never in my lifetime have we had a Potus willing to take such a strong outspoken stand for the Christian faith like Donald Trump,” tweeted Franklin Graham, the son of the …

What if You Couldn’t See This Page?
New York Times–Dec. 14, 2017
Update: The F.C.C. voted on Thursday to repeal net neutrality rules. HONG KONG — To taste a future without net neutrality, try browsing the web in Beijing. China’s internet, provided through telecom giants aligned with the Communist Party, is a digital dystopia, filtered by the vast censorship apparatus …

Hunger in North Korea Is Devastating. And It’s Our Fault.
New York Times–Dec. 17, 2017
One cool morning last April in Pyongyang, North Korea, I watched a woman squat over a patch of grass along the Daedong River. A large handkerchief covering her head was knotted below her chin, encircling her sunburned and wrinkled face. As a van passed by blaring patriotic hymns from the oversize …
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