My Year of No Shopping
New York Times–Dec. 15, 2017
Nashville — The idea began in February 2009 over lunch with my friend Elissa, someone I like but rarely see. She walked into the restaurant wearing a fitted black coat with a high collar. “Wow,” I said admiringly. “Some coat.” She stroked the sleeve. “Yeah. I bought it at the end of my no-shopping year.

New Star labels differentiate between news and opinion
Toronto Star–Dec. 8, 2017
You can find a “glossary” of the labels we now use to differentiate news from opinionpublished in the “footer” of the home page of In brief, news is defined as “verified information based in the impartial reporting of facts,” and opinion as, “articles based on personal interpretation and judgment of …

Looking back: the top 10 opinion articles of 2017
Marketing magazine Australia–Dec. 17, 2017
Looking back: the top 10 opinion articles of 2017 … Looking back: the top 10 opinion articles of 2017. Opinionated and insightful, there’s been plenty of thought-leadership, advice and healthy debate in 2017. Here’s a selection of some of our most read opinion pieces as chosen by you, our readers.

26 voices on why the free press matters
CNN–Dec. 20, 2017
In response to that question, CNN Opinion published articles by 26 leading thinkers and writers on the history of press freedom and the challenges the media face today in America and around the world. In these essays, authors explore how press freedom protects everyone who is active on social media …

The Trump Presidency: A Success Story
U.S. News & World Report–20 hours ago
By Liz Mair , Opinion Contributor | Dec. 21, 2017, at 10:55 a.m.. What would you say if I told you that Donald Trump is one step away from securing a legacy as the most successful first-year president ever? [OPINION: Crying ‘Fake News’ Is More Than Annoying]. On one level, it sounds crazy. The president has spent year …

The Bitcoin Boom: In Code We Trust
New York Times–Dec. 18, 2017
You don’t need brilliant financial analysis skills to notice that Bitcoin is in a bubble. It has grown in value from about 39 cents to over $18,000 in just eight years and recently attracted broad media attention by doubling in just a few days. The conventional wisdom had been that illegal and illicit transactions …

Trump is dividing Jerusalem
Ynetnews–15 hours ago
there are a lot of opinions on the matter. Trump’s move, therefore, is a bold move—either foolish or brilliant—which creates a different dynamic in the Middle East, without actually leading to a change in his views. Trump, as a businessman, probably thinks that the elephant in the room must be dealt with, …
Defying Trump, UN General Assembly Condemns US Decree on …
International–New York Times–14 hours ago
International–New York Times–14 hours ago

Merry Christmas, Vladimir — Your Friend, Donald
New York Times–Dec. 19, 2017
At the end of this banner stock market year, you can bet that major business publications will be naming their investor of the year. You can stop now. I have the winner, and nobody is even close when it comes to his total return on investment: Vladimir Putin, the Russian president. A recent report in The …

America’s New Religion: Fox Evangelicalism
New York Times–Dec. 15, 2017
To hear the Christian right tell it, President Trump should be a candidate for sainthood — that is, if evangelicals believed in saints. “Never in my lifetime have we had a Potus willing to take such a strong outspoken stand for the Christian faith like Donald Trump,” tweeted Franklin Graham, the son of the …
Justice system finally catching up with the 21st century
Jamaica Observer–Dec. 20, 2017
… nothing new, don’t forget training.Technology system easy to implement the hard part is to maintain it and to keep it revalent Hope this information system doesn’t turn-out to be like the railroad, water supply, dams, roads that were not maintained. CMThompson • 1 month ago. I had a similar thought after reading the article.
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