Top news and health tip articles 2017: Osteoporosis
Bel Marra Health–13 hours ago
osteoporosis As the year winds down, it’s time to take a look back at what made news in 2017. This article will feature our top stories that discussed breakthroughs, prevention, health tips, and breaking news regarding osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the deterioration of old …

MEDICINE MATTERS: Top 30 most popular health articles of 2017
Vancouver Sun (blog)–Dec. 13, 2017
For many years now, I’ve published an end-of-year list of my most-read articles, based on digital metrics. If you missed them when they were originally published, you can get caught up on the big health stories of the year by clicking on links below. The vast majority were the result of deep-dive reporting or …

New York Times
Top 5 Articles Of 2017: Health Insurance
Insurance News Net–21 hours ago
It was a very busy year in financial services. Our website visits grew by 72 percent to five million as we brought you comprehensive coverage of the industry. This week, we will bring you our top five most popular 2017 stories in life insurance, annuities, finance, politics, health insurance and the DOL …

How Big Tech Is Going After Your Health Care
New York Times–Dec. 26, 2017
Now, as consumers, medical centers and insurers increasingly embrace health-tracking apps, tech companies want a bigger share of the more than $3 trillion …. A version of this article appears in print on , on Page B1 of the New York edition with the headline: This Health Revolution May Be All in the Wrist.

Excessive Video Gaming to be Named Mental Disorder by WHO
U.S. News & World Report–Dec. 26, 2017
The World Health Organization will add “gaming disorder” to its International Classification of Diseases in 2018. By Alexa Lardieri, Staff Writer |Dec. 26, 2017, at … The World Health Organization is adding an unexpected disorder to its list of mental health conditions in 2018. Next year, people who play an …

Eating cheese every day may help to protect heart health
Medical News Today–Dec. 4, 2017
Researchers suggest that eating a small amount of cheese every day may benefit heart health. These new findings come from an analysis of 15 observational studies that looked at the effects of cheese intake on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Study co-author Li-Qiang Qin — who works in the …

Be More Proactive About Your Health in 7 Easy Steps–2 hours ago
It’s a new year and a new opportunity to prioritize your health in a big way. Instead of setting a goal to lose those 5 pounds or finally fit into that pair of jeans (which, let’s be honest, usually doesn’t last much past February), improve your health in the long haul with these science-backed habits. They’ll leave …

Yes, smartphone addiction does harm your teen’s mental health
Medical News Today–Dec. 2, 2017
To evaluate just how serious the participants’ addictions were, the researchers used standardized tests focusing on the extent to which smartphone and Internet use impacted the performance of daily activities, harming productivity and social life, as well as sleep and mental health. “The higher the score [on …

Diet is the key to kids’ health and happiness
Medical News Today–Dec. 23, 2017
Being overweight often goes with a number of health problems, but it also has psychological effects. Children who are overweight are more prone to low self-esteem, negative body image, and depression. Due to the size of this issue, much research is focused on trying to understand the psychology behind …

The Biggest Health Queries of 2017, Revealed by Google Search Data
Big Think (blog)–11 hours ago
After scrolling through Google Trends top health queries of 2017, below are some of the top questions we asked about the science of health over the … Three of my top performing articles on this site in 2017 deal with ketosis, so it didn’t surprise me that this was the number one health question of the year.
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