The most popular Opinion articles of 2017
Fox News–Dec. 29, 2017
Editor’s note: Our Opinion section enjoyed a record audience in 2017. Here is a brief summary of some of the most popular opeds of the year. 1. Gregg Jarrett: Did the FBI and the Justice Department, plot to clear Hillary Clinton, bring down Trump? Fox News contributor Gregg Jarrett and Florida Attorney …

Top 10 Opinion articles online in 2017
The Straits Times–Dec. 30, 2017
I often try to devote the last column I write each year to readers and their responses. In the old days, Dear Readers, you would put pen to paper and painstakingly write your comments, pop the letter into an envelope, write down the address and stick a stamp on, then mail it. Some sent hand-written cards.

Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist
New York Times–Jan. 12, 2018
This article is part of the Opinion Today newsletter. You can sign up here to receive the newsletter each weekday. When it comes to President Trump and race, there is a predictable cycle. He makes a remark that seems racist, and people engage in an extended debate about whether he is personally racist.

Social Media Is Making Us Dumber. Here’s Exhibit A.
New York Times–Jan. 11, 2018
The neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website ran an article headlined, in part, “Harvard Jew Professor Admits the Alt-Right Is Right About Everything. …. It’s getting harder and harder to talk about anything controversial online without every single utterance of an opinion immediately being caricatured by opportunistic …

Can Your Hip Replacement Kill You?
New York Times–Jan. 13, 2018
When Stephen Tower’s right hip gave out in 2006, he asked his surgeon to implant an artificial one — specifically, a metal-on-metal hip called the ASR XL, made by Johnson & Johnson. He knew what he was talking about: As an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Tower specializes in complex hip replacements.

Trump Tax Reform Won’t Boost Luxury Brands
The Business of Fashion–8 hours ago
US president Trump’s tax reforms have been widely portrayed as favouring the wealthy, in which case Europe’s luxury giants should benefit. Not so, argues Luca Solca. Donald Trump | Source: Shutterstock. 23 Shares. Comment. By Luca Solca January 15, 2018 05:25. Save. 23 Shares. Comment. By Luca …

‘Like, Really Smart’
New York Times–Jan. 7, 2018
I resist applying clinical diagnoses to people, and that includes Donald Trump. I’m not a doctor, and a proper diagnosis would require a personal evaluation. But I would be basking in false virtue if I simply pretended that I’m not aware that some of the behaviors displayed by this man line up with the …

The Secret to a Happy Marriage Is Knowing How to Fight
New York Times–Jan. 12, 2018
It’s peak “engagement season” — the span of time between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day when, according to the website WeddingWire, more than a third of couples pledge to marry. As couples move from whispering sweet nothings to mounting strategic wedding-planning campaigns, their minds and …

Am I a bad feminist?
The Globe and Mail–Jan. 13, 2018
Margaret Atwood is the author of more than 40 books of poetry, fiction and essays, including The Handmaid’s Tale. It seems that I am a “Bad Feminist.” I can add that to the other things I’ve been accused of since 1972, such as climbing to fame up a pyramid of decapitated men’s heads (a leftie journal), …

OPINION: Profound issues are succintly summed up by Archbishop
Southern Star Newspaper–1 hour ago
SO, the first round of the Abortion Referendum kicked off with a polite request from Archbishop Éamon Martin. He asked that ‘believers’ should respectfully lobby their public representatives and encourage them ‘not to proceed with the proposed relaxation of the Republic’s abortion laws.’ He succinctly …
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