Lots of popular climate change articles aren’t totally credible …
Grist–14 hours ago
Some of these articles are sensationalized very nearly to the point of inaccuracy. Others are cases of “elaborate misinformation.” A review from Climate Feedback, a group of scientists who survey climate change news to determine whether it’s scientifically sound, looked at the 25 most-shared stories last year that focused on …

Science Says: That Michigan Meteor Could Have Been Meatier
U.S. News & World Report–14 hours ago
The world’s space agencies and astronomers have agreed on guidelines for warning and possible action if scientists spot space rocks 33 feet (10 meters) wide, NASA planetary defense officer Lindley Johnson said in an email. They will start with “shelter in place” advice and consider evacuations if there’s …

The mystery of vanishing honeybees is still not definitively solved
Science News–18 hours ago
BEE COLD CASE Just what caused sudden disappearances of honeybees (a worker bee shown) about a decade ago is still a matter of scientific debate. USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab/Flickr. Email. Email. Print. Print. Twitter. Twitter. Facebook. Facebook. Reddit. Reddit. Google+. Google+.

DNA solves the mystery of how these mummies were related
Science News–Jan. 16, 2018
That muted family tie came to light thanks to the successful retrieval of two types of DNA from the mummies’ teeth, the scientists report in the February Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. The finding highlights the importance ancient Egyptians placed on maternal lines of descent, Drosou’s group …

Science panel backs lower drunken driving threshold
Peoria Journal Star–10 hours ago
The U.S. government-commissioned report by a panel of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine made multiple recommendations, including significantly lowering drunken driving thresholds. It calls for lowering the blood-alcohol concentration threshold from 0.08 to 0.05. All states …

Universities Should Encourage Scientists to Speak Out about Public …
Scientific American–Jan. 16, 2018
When Scientific American editors talk with Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers and early-career scientists, they often tell us that an adviser or senior department member has instructed them not to write blogs or articles for the general public, speak at public events or talk with reporters and to stay away from social media …

What to expect in 2018: science in the new year
Nature.com–Jan. 2, 2018
Scientists hope to narrow down estimates of when and how people expanded into the region beginning around 15,000 years ago, and to clarify the timing and routes of subsequent migrations. The work might also help to explain the genetic diversity seen in today’s Native American populations.

Teaching science needs a revolution in language
Business Day–9 hours ago
It is not possible to exactly translate a science article from English to isiZulu, Sibusiso Biyela told an audience at the World Conference of Science Journalists in San Francisco in 2017. Instead of writing one article and translating it, he writes two different versions. Biyela is one of SA’s very few science …

Warning: Stifling Sneezes Can Be Health Hazard in Rare Cases
U.S. News & World Report–Jan. 15, 2018
Dr. Zi Yang Jiang, a head and neck surgeon at University of Texas Health ScienceCenter at Houston, said he sees one or two cases arising from repressed sneezes each year, making them an “exceedingly rare” occurrence. Jiang said it was bizarre that a single sneeze could generate enough force to …

7 science stories in 2017 that made us go, “Whoa, that’s awesome”
Vox–Dec. 22, 2017
“You could read articles 20 and 30 years ago about the promise of gene therapy, but there was no real delivery on that promise until we could work out the practical problems of delivering a gene therapy in a living human being instead of a test tube,” Grupp said. “The field is really gathering amazing …
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