How Tech Experts Monitor Their Teens on Social Media
Wall Street Journal–Jan. 16, 2018
While investor protests about smartphones’ harmful social effects began making headlines only recently, Silicon Valley parents have struggled with the issue for a long time. Tech executives with children share many of the same concerns other parents have about tweens’ and teens‘ social-media use—that …

Kids aren’t taking driver’s ed anymore
The Week Magazine–22 hours ago
He says that almost none of the teens in his neighborhood take driver’s ed. The families that live at Peace House offer after-school and summer programs for children and youth, spanning preschool through young adulthood. It’s a place where you’ll often find lots of kids hanging out, playing basketball, …

Teenagers are better behaved and less hedonistic nowadays
The Economist–Jan. 10, 2018
Those doted-upon children seem to have turned into amenable teenagers. In 28 out of 34 rich countries surveyed by the World Health Organisation, the proportion of 15-year-old boys who said they found it easy to talk to their fathers rose between 2001-02 and 2013-14. Girls found it easier to talk to their …

Children who extensively use smartphones are unhappier
TheHealthSite–4 hours ago
On average, they found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices–playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting–were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social …

Montclair Public Library: Registration begins Jan. 29 for Programs …–8 hours ago
29 for Programs for Kids, Families and Teens … Picture books, flannel board stories, songs and puppets are used to build upon children’s natural enthusiasm for books and reading. …. The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) of the Montclair Public Library meets the first Wednesday of each month, October-May.
Little change in proportion of US kids with autism
KFGO–15 hours ago
(Reuters Health) – After steadily climbing for two decades, the proportion of U.S. children with autism may be leveling off, a recent study suggests. … Over the three-year study period, about 2.4 percent of children and teens had ASD, a collection of diagnoses that can include Asperger’s syndrome, autism …

In a nation that favors so much, why are Japanese teens so glum?
The Japan Times–Jan. 13, 2018
The world’s happiest teens live — no, not in Japan — in the Dominican Republic. It’s a beautiful Caribbean country, much and justly … The conversation’s overall theme is summed up by the article’s headline: “What to do when a child says he or she wants to die?” The three experts are former teacher and …

Atlanta Journal Constitution
Police search for 3 suspects in Orlando park shooting
News 13 Orlando–14 hours ago
Without elaborating on what happens at the park, she said it just simply is not a place for kids. “I was shocked and I was hurt because it could’ve been one of our children,” Vincent said of the Sunday shooting. With Evans High School around the corner this park frequently becomes a stopping point for teens …

Hasbrouck Heights Girls Youth Basketball Team Creates “Sacs for …–Jan. 21, 2018
The team is assembling a “Sac for Love,” filled with comfort items and goodies for children and teens going through chemotherapy. Based on last year’s project, Chemo Comfort Totes, which were distributed to patients, this year the Sacs will be donated to local children’s hospitals, as well as any child or …

Tim Rollins Dies at 62; Turned Bronx Teenagers Into Art Stars
New York Times–Jan. 8, 2018
The cause was hypertensive cardiovascular disease, said Angel Abreu, a senior member of K.O.S. (Kids of Survival), as Mr. Rollins’s original …. In an article in New York magazine in 1991, several former members of K.O.S. accused Mr. Rollins of being emotionally abusive, and of spending too much money …
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