Why I’ll never buy booze for my teenage kids
The Week Magazine–2 hours ago
I used to think of myself as a cool mom. My house has always been where my kidsand their friends gather, so it was easy to think that had something to do with me, my tattoos, and my Nirvana T-shirts. But all of that changed when my kids hit their teenyears, and I discovered that being “cool” came at far too …

In Hawaii, Running Community Fights Bill To Ban Teens From …
FloTrack–Feb. 5, 2018
As evidence, the bill references an unattributed article from the Journal of Athletic Training that says, “Children do not absorb the impact of running as well as adults and less absorption can… result in overuse injuries.” The evidence also cites an undated advisory from the International Marathon Medical …

How Tech Experts Monitor Their Teens on Social Media
Wall Street Journal–Jan. 16, 2018
While investor protests about smartphones’ harmful social effects began making headlines only recently, Silicon Valley parents have struggled with the issue for a long time. Tech executives with children share many of the same concerns other parents have about tweens’ and teens‘ social-media use—that …

Health Buzz: Teens Are Placing Tide Pods in Their Mouths, Putting …
U.S. News & World Report–Jan. 12, 2018
Wilson continues: “For example, the Salt and Ice Challenge, in which teens pour salt on their skin and then apply ice, can result in burns and scars. The Eraser Challenge, in which kids rub an eraser on a part of their body for an extended period of time, can cause skin burns, scarring, and infection.

Turn Off Messenger Kids, Health Experts Plead to Facebook
New York Times–Jan. 29, 2018
“Younger children are simply not ready to have social media accounts,” the experts said in the letter. “A growing body of research demonstrates that excessive use of digital devices and social media is harmful to children and teens, making it very likely this new app will undermine children’s healthy …

In a nation that favors so much, why are Japanese teens so glum?
The Japan Times–Jan. 13, 2018
It’s a beautiful Caribbean country, much and justly beloved by tourists yet plagued by poverty, crime, child marriage, teen pregnancy and inadequate education. Tourists needn’t … The conversation’s overall theme is summed up by the article’s headline: “What to do when a child says he or she wants to die?”.

Does Apple Have an Obligation to Make the iPhone Safer for Kids?
Scientific American–Jan. 9, 2018
Recent research suggests it’s not. Teens who spend five or more hours a day on electronic devices are 71 percent more likely to have a risk factor for suicide than those who spend less than an hour a day on a device. Digital media use is linked with more depression and less happiness, with experiments, …

Teenagers are better behaved and less hedonistic nowadays
The Economist–Jan. 10, 2018
Those doted-upon children seem to have turned into amenable teenagers. In 28 out of 34 rich countries surveyed by the World Health Organisation, the proportion of 15-year-old boys who said they found it easy to talk to their fathers rose between 2001-02 and 2013-14. Girls found it easier to talk to their …

Is Your Child a Phone ‘Addict’?
New York Times–Jan. 17, 2018
I have spent the past 15 years helping teens with organization and time management. Many parents of kids I work with are conflicted about their teens‘ smartphone use. They appreciate the convenience of having access to their childrenand the potential safety benefits. And, in an age of social media …

BOSTON— Gabriel Krause-Grosman, 12 years old, spent family …
Wall Street Journal–Jan. 13, 2018
Experience has already shown parents that ceding control over the devices has reshaped their children’s lives, allowing an outside influence on school work, friendships, recreation, sleep, romance, sex and free time. Nearly 75% of teenagershad access to smartphones, concluded a 2015 study by Pew …
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