What will it take to go to Venus?
Science News–Feb. 13, 2018
BLUE MARBLE From the outside, you would never know how hostile Venus’ surface is. This false-color image of Venus from the Akatsuki spacecraft shows a cloud-covered atmosphere as complex and dynamic as Earth’s. Damia Bouic/DARTS/ISAS/JAXA. Email. Email. Print. Print. Twitter. Twitter. Facebook.

It’s taken thousands of years, but Western science is finally catching …
The Conversation CA–13 hours ago
… firehawks is ingrained within some of their ceremonial practices, beliefs and creation accounts. The worldwide attention given to the firehawks article provides an opportunity to explore the double standard that exists concerning the acceptance of Traditional Knowledge by practitioners of Western science.

Trump science budget sows confusion
Nature.com–Feb. 13, 2018
The White House abandoned its original plan to seek a 27% funding cut for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a 29% decrease for the National ScienceFoundation (NSF) and a 22% reduction for the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, holding their funding steady. But the details of Trump’s …

China Declared World’s Largest Producer of Scientific Articles
Scientific American–Jan. 23, 2018
For the first time, China has overtaken the United States in terms of the total number of science publications, according to statistics compiled by the US National ScienceFoundation (NSF). The agency’s report, released on January 18, documents the United States’ increasing competition from China and …

Japanese researchers say science-budget hike isn’t enough
Nature.com–Feb. 6, 2018
Each year Japan’s Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI) compiles the country’s total science spending, following the release of individual ministry budgets by the finance ministry in December. The year’s boost of 250.4 billion yen comes after minimal growth in the science budget since the …

US science agency will require universities to report sexual …
Nature.com–Feb. 8, 2018
Any institution receiving grant monies from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) must now inform the agency if it finds that anyone funded by the grant proposal has committed sexual harassment. The policy will take effect after a 60-day public-comment period ends. Until now, “we haven’t had a …

Bonded by science: researchers describe their nerdy proposals
Nature.com–Feb. 12, 2018
Scientific papers often inspire new ideas and questions, and sometimes even tinges of professional jealousy. But on the rarest of occasions, a publication will go straight to the heart. A few researchers have taken the opportunity to register their love in the nerdiest manner, by hiding a proposal of marriage in …

Trump’s 2019 spending plan scares science supporters
Chemical & Engineering News–13 hours ago
“We’re discouraged to see yet another White House proposal that indicates either the administration’s continued lack of understanding about the crucial benefits scientific research provides to Americans or, worse, their persistent disregard of the value of science to society,” says Christine McEntee, CEO of …

Why science blogging still matters
Nature.com–Feb. 1, 2018
Science blogs have been around since the early 2000s, and in recent years the ‘microblogging’ platform Twitter and other social-media channels, which require less time to maintain than does a full blog, threatened to make them obsolete. But some scientists are keeping the practice alive, and it continues …

Meet the ‘data thugs’ out to expose shoddy and questionable research
Science Magazine–19 hours ago
The description alone triggered a laughing spell in Heathers—not an uncommon reaction to science he finds risible. … The pair also found odd data in nine other articles from Guéguen. … (Guéguen declined to discuss the matter with Science; the society says a university panel is examining the papers.).
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