More science articles by Schindler, please
Arizona Daily Sun–1 hour ago
Perhaps Mr. Schindler could be encouraged to write other articles about the discoveries made by Flagstaff scientists. He is knowledgeable and he is a good writer. The story of Flagstaff’s contributions to science and technology deserves to be told. Mr. Schindler’s writing make it easy to understand.

More than 12 years after Hurricane Katrina, scientists are learning …
Science Magazine–17 hours ago
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA—A muggy quiet has settled over New Orleans, Louisiana’s Gentilly neighborhood as it soaks up a late-September rainstorm. Deep puddles hide dips in the street. And in a soggy patch of grass, a wooden kiosk tells a story of catastrophe. “This place is a memorial to the trauma …

Canadian science wins billions in new budget–10 hours ago
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration released its 2018 budget on 27 February and scientists couldn’t be happier. It includes almost Can$4 billion (US$3.1 billion) in new funding for science over the next five years, a significant portion of which will go to the country’s three granting …
Science Studies Isn’t the Problem
The Chronicle of Higher Education (blog)–16 hours ago
I found Steven Pinker’s article, “The Intellectual War on Science” (The Chronicle Review, February 13), to be dangerously misguided. This quote aptly captures its flaws: “Many scholars in “science studies” devote their careers to recondite analyses of how the whole institution is just a pretext for oppression.”.

Why scientists have modelled climate change right up to the year 2300
The Conversation UK–20 hours ago
The obvious criticism is that such work is mere fiction, driven by the intellectual curiosity of a small group of highly specialised scientists, rather than anything relevant to daily life. And in any case, critics might argue, won’t we figure something out in the next century or two that could tackle climate change …

Italian election leaves science out in the cold–Feb. 20, 2018
As campaigning ahead of Italy’s national election enters its final weeks, researchers in the country fear that budget cuts and declining interest in science will only continue — whatever the outcome of the vote on 4 March. A complex coalition government is likely to emerge. The country’s traditional centre-left …

Science needs to redefine excellence–Feb. 21, 2018
Excellence is everywhere in science. Or that seems to be the plan: to make excellence ubiquitous in research. This month, the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, became the latest academic institution to encourage its scientists to excel, setting up a Regional Centre for Research Excellence …

Scientists Aim To Pull Peer Review Out Of The 17th Century
NPR–Feb. 24, 2018
… quality and to look at whether an article is suitable for a particular journal.” Bloom says peer review does a reasonable job of picking studies of interest to journals such as hers, but it does a poor job of improving the quality of the paper. Some years ago, for instance, she says scientists sent around papers …

Scientists Fear for Colombia’s ‘Melted Rainbow’
New York Times–Feb. 26, 2018
LA MACARENA, Colombia — Ángela Díaz stood on a rock ledge above a creek called Caño Piedras and pointed out an unassuming olive-colored plant growing below. Macarenia clavigera, she said, is the key to the future of this remote region in central Colombia. When the rains come in May, the rivers …

New fossils are redefining what makes a dinosaur
Science News–Feb. 21, 2018
The slender, 2-meter-long reptile ran on all fours and lived 245 million years ago, about 10 million to 15 million years before scientists think dinosaurs first appeared. Nesbitt, a ….. This article appears in the March 3, 2018 issue of Science News with the headline, “What makes a dinosaur? Defining what’s …
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