Book on inspiring moments of great scientists released
Hindu Business Line–5 minutes ago
On this occasion, the minister also released a compendium of science news articlessyndicated by India Science Wire (ISW) during 2017. The compendium included 425 original news stories in English and Hindi produced by India Science Wire and published in Indian media outlets. These news articles …

Learn to tell science stories–Mar. 7, 2018
The path from science fiction to science fact has been well explored, especially in areas such as space and technology, with inventions from satellites to iPads first imagined in stories. But can the influence go further? What if it is not the concepts described by science fiction that could have the most impact, …

John Sulston, Human Genome Project Leader, Dies
The Scientist–Mar. 12, 2018
“His dedication to free access to scientific information was the basis of the open access movement, and helped ensure that the reference human genome sequence was published openly for the benefit of all humanity,” Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, says in a statement. “It’s just one of the …

How to improve government’s use of science
The Conversation CA–14 hours ago
Several prominent scientists have been brought into the government fold in recent years to strengthen decision-making at provincial and federal levels. In 2017, Mona Nemer became Canada’s new chief science adviser, and Ontario appointed Molly Shoichet as its first-ever chief scientist. The previous year …

Scientists at India’s government labs struggle to adjust to changing …
Chemical & Engineering News–17 hours ago
The shift follows deep budget cuts at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India’s largest R&D organization. “The funding available this year is short by half of what is needed,” says Rakesh K. Mishra, director of India’s Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), one of 38 CSIR labs …

Canadian science wins billions in new budget–Feb. 28, 2018
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration released its 2018 budget on 27 February and scientists couldn’t be happier. It includes almost Can$4 billion (US$3.1 billion) in new funding for science over the next five years, a significant portion of which will go to the country’s three granting …

Empowering Americans to Innovate: Science and Technology …
The White House (blog)–Mar. 7, 2018
Since President Trump’s inauguration, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has built a robust team of over 50 staff members, including a corps of scientists and engineers, policymakers, and academics to advise the President on science and technology (S&T), support the President’s agenda, …

Brian Wansink: Data Masseur, Media Villain, Emblem of a Thornier …
Undark Magazine–1 hour ago
The scientific community also appears to have turned against Wansink, with enterprising graduate students spending hundreds of hours picking apart his … He has not been accused of fraud or fabrication, but he has had more than a dozen of his published research articles corrected or retracted in the last …

EU expected to vote on pesticide ban after major scientific review–Mar. 1, 2018
In a long-awaited assessment, the European Union’s food-safety agency has concluded that three controversial neonicotinoid insecticides pose a high risk to wild bees and honeybees. The findings by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma, Italy, raise the chances that the EU will soon move …

On Twitter, the lure of fake news is stronger than the truth
Science News–Mar. 8, 2018
Deb Roy, a media scientist at MIT, and colleagues investigated how far and fast each cascade spread. Discussions of false stories tended to start from fewer original tweets, but some of those retweet chains then reached tens of thousands of users, while true news stories never spread to more than about …
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