These antibiotics may endanger vascular health
Medical News Today–20 hours ago
The researchers worked with data sourced from national health registers — the National Prescribed Drug Register, National Patient Register, Statistics Sweden, and Swedish Cause of Death Register — submitted between July 2006 and December 2013. They compared the risk of aortic disease in 360,088 …

Over 400000 US deaths per year caused by lead exposure
Medical News Today–18 hours ago
To reach their findings, the team analyzed the data of 14,289 adults in the U.S. who were a part of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Subjects were enrolled in the study between 1988 and 1994. Blood samples were taken from each participant at study baseline, and these were …

Skip the guilt: Red wine could protect your oral health
Medical News Today–Feb. 25, 2018
But a new study says that it might protect your oral health. Some of us love to savor a glass of red wine — or two — with dinner every once in a while. The catch is that this velvety drink often leaves the teeth stained, so maybe it’s not such a good idea to order it on your first date or while out on a business …

How vitamin D protects against heart failure
Medical News Today–Mar. 10, 2018
We now know that vitamin D has an array of duties in the body beyond that of bone health. For instance, vitamin D is thought to impact the workings of muscles and blood vessels. And, even more recently, evidence has been gathering that the vitamin might have a protective effect on heart health.

Alcohol ‘more damaging to brain health than marijuana’
Medical News Today–Feb. 12, 2018
Last year, for example, Medical News Today reported on a study linking marijuana use to a greater risk of psychosis in teenagers, while another study claimed that the drug is “worse than cigarettes” for cardiovascular health. On the other side of the coin, researchers have found that cannabinoids — which …

Presidential Panel Says High-Priced Cancer Drugs Harm Patient Care
U.S. News & World Report–21 hours ago
Maintaining access to high-quality health insurance that minimizes the impact of cancer drug costs on patients. Stimulating competition that promotes the development of generic and biosimilar versions of pricey cancer drugs. Arming the FDA with the resources needed to assess cancer drug safety and …

What are the health benefits of being creative?
Medical News Today–Feb. 16, 2018
In a comprehensive article on The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health, Heather L. Stuckey and Jeremy Nobel say that “[a]rt helps people express experiences that are too difficult to put into words, such as a diagnosis of cancer.” “[A]rtistic self-expression,” they continue, “might contribute to …

California Panel Rejects Government-Run Health Care
U.S. News & World Report–11 hours ago
FILE – In this June 28, 2017 file photo, members of the California Nurses Association and supporters rally on the second floor rotunda at the Capitol calling for a single-payer health plan in Sacramento, Calif. A panel created by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon to study improvements to California’s health …

Death risk increased with two blood pressure drugs
Medical News Today–Mar. 13, 2018
The updated guidelines mean that almost half of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, which puts them at greater risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease, among other health problems. Of course, when it comes to treating hypertension, the goal is to lower blood pressure. This may be …

It’s official: Pets benefit our mental health
Medical News Today–Feb. 19, 2018
Dr. Brooks and her colleagues searched nine medical databases and screened more than 8,000 articles before narrowing down their review to 17 papers. The papers looked at the effect of having cats, dogs, hamsters, finches, and even goldfish on the mental well-being of people living with a mental illness …
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