Jonathan Dayton’s Spring Musical ‘Cinderella’ Opens Friday–11 hours ago
SPRINGFIELD, NJ – This year’s Jonathan Dayton spring musical production is Cinderella. The cast includes 30 performers, two stage managers, and 14 crew members. The orchestra is comprised of students, three Jonathan Dayton High School teachers and a few professional musicians. There are four …

Apple makes deal for animated musical ‘Central Park’ from ‘Bob’s …
AppleInsider (press release) (blog)–Mar. 12, 2018
Apple makes deal for animated musical ‘Central Park’ from ‘Bob’s Burgers’ creator. By Stephen Silver Monday, March 12, 2018, 01:10 pm PT (04:10 pm ET). Apple has made yet another move for unique video content, this time an animated musical, without an announced service beyond Apple Music to host it. Apple has …

The Sword Talks Musical Evolution, Tom Petty & the ‘Star Wars …
Billboard–15 hours ago
J.D. Cronise, lead singer and guitarist of Austin hard rockers The Sword, doesn’t ask for much, but he would like to make a suggestion to fans who buy tickets to their shows: Please chill out a little. He’s talking about their disposition, mostly, but also their musical preferences. The Sword earned early praise …

West Essex High School’s “Suessical the Musical” is a Hit–6 hours ago
NORTH CALDWELL, NJ — After being postponed for two days because of Wednesday’s snow storm, the Masquers of West Essex High School (WEHS) were finally able to present “Seussical the Musical” over the weekend and Monday night. The delay did not affect their performance, as someone in the …

Musicians and journalists are teaming up fight press censorship
The Industry Observer–6 hours ago
“Five acclaimed independent journalists from five countries suffering from strict government censorship teamed up with Musical Director Lucas Mayer to turn 10 articles that had previously been censored into 10 uncensored pop songs,” it continues. “These songs were then uploaded onto freely available …

‘The Addams Family,’ The NPHS Spring Musical Spirits It’s Way to …–19 hours ago
NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ – If you were to wander into the New Providence High School auditorium early last week you would have found a hive of activity centered mostly around the main stage which is presently dominated by The Addams Family mansion, complete with a sweeping double staircase and …

‘Rise’ Series Premiere Recap: A New Theatre Director Makes Big …
BuddyTV (blog)–5 hours ago
In the series premiere of Rise, How I Met Your Mother’s Josh Radnor stars as Lou Mazzuchelli, a bored English teacher who finds inspiration in trying to revitalize the school’s theatre department. His decision to change the musical production to Spring Awakening is extremely controversial, as are his …

Not heard of them? Nor have most people, but they’re very big
Asahi Shimbun–12 hours ago
BTS may not be a household name, but to the millions of fans of the seven-member boy band from South Korea that is beside the point. As far as fans are concerned, there is no bigger musical act in the world today. And they may not be far wrong. BTS stands for Bangtan Sonyeondan, which roughly …

Trouble in River City: ‘The Music Man’ by The Naples Players
Florida Weekly–6 hours ago
The musical seems to speed along at a fairly fast clip, too. When I saw it, it ran nearly 2½ hours, which is long for modern attention spans used to two-hour shows, intermission included. This production, under the direction of Dawn Lebrecht Fornara (who also choreographed) does not drag. Perhaps they …

Pell School Inspiration Program to Host Crocodile River Music and …
NewportNow (press release)–20 hours ago
In celebration of Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM), Melinda and Peter Gerard announce the Loti Falk Gaffney Pell Elementary School Music Empowerment Trust, also known as the Pell Inspiration Program (PIP), a program to introduce the students of Pell Elementary School to inspired musicians …
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