Judge orders Google to delete search results related to businessman
WISN Milwaukee–Apr 14, 2018
A UK judge has ordered Google to remove old articles about a businessman’s past crime from its search results, dealing a blow to the tech company in its legal battle over Europe’s “right to be forgotten” law. Two businessmen, both unnamed in the case, went to court to force Google to de-list several articles …

Google’s Facebook Copycat Moves Leave It More Exposed to …
Bloomberg–2 hours ago
No one at Google envied Mark Zuckerberg last week as he was being grilled by Congress. But for years, they certainly coveted the personal data that made Facebook Inc. a formidable digital ad player. And the strategies they set to compete have now placed Google squarely in the cross hairs of a privacy …

Google’s on-by-default ‘Articles for You’ leverage browser …
TechCrunch–Mar 30, 2018
When you’ve got leverage, don’t be afraid to use it. That’s been Google’s modus operandi in the news and publishing world over the last year or so as it has pushed its AMP platform, funding various news-related ventures that may put it ahead, and nourished its personalized Chrome tabs on mobile.

Here’s what we know so far about Google Chrome’s mobile article …
Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard–Apr 11, 2018
When you open a new tab of Chrome on an iOS or Android device, Google provides an automated list of “Articles for you.” On Android, when a visitor clicks on one of these links, the referrer is set to www.googleapis.com/auth/chrome-content-suggestions. In our experiments, this is the only prominent …

Google expands its tool for publishers to combat ad blocking
Digiday–7 hours ago
The tool, launched a year ago in the U.S and a handful of other markets, is expanding to 31 other countries in Europe and Canada, Google is announcing today. Called Funding Choices, the tool works by asking or requiring users to turn off their ad blockers after seeing a given number of articles. Publishers …

Google Chrome’s Article Suggestions Now 4th Greatest Source of …
Search Engine Journal–Apr 2, 2018
A report from Chartbeat shows that Google Chrome’s mobile articlerecommendations are now the fourth greatest driver of referral traffic— behind Twitter, Facebook, and Google Search. Mobile article recommendations show up when a user opens a new tab in the Chrome app. These are also known as …

Google Could Owe Oracle $8.8 Billion in Android Fight
Bloomberg–Mar 27, 2018
Google’s use of Java shortcuts to develop Android went too far and was a violation of Oracle’s copyrights, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled Tuesday. The case — first filed in 2010 — was remanded to a federal court in California to determine how much the Alphabet Inc. unit should pay.

Google cases are a battle between right to privacy and right to know
The Guardian–Apr 13, 2018
At the heart of the first high court ruling on the “right to be forgotten” principle in England and Wales is a battle between the right to privacy and the right to know. The cases focus on two businessmen, convicted of offences more than a decade ago, whose criminal backgrounds are the subject of articles …

I Downloaded the Information That Facebook Has on Me. Yikes.
New York Times–Apr 11, 2018
Here was the biggest surprise in what Google collected on me: In a folder labeled Ads, Google kept a history of many news articles I had read, like a Newsweek story about Apple employees walking into glass walls and a New York Times story about the editor of our Modern Love column. I didn’t click on …

Google Officially Hits Its 100% Renewable Energy Target
Greentech Media–Apr 6, 2018
Google announced this week that it currently holds contracts to purchase 3 gigawatts of output from renewable energy projects, which is by far the most renewable energy purchased by a corporate entity to date. The tech giant says these contracts have led to more than $3 billion in new capital investment …
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