Are You at Risk for a Social Media-Induced Eating Disorder?
U.S. News & World Report (blog)–20 hours ago
Still, “adolescents are [especially] at risk for falling victim to this type of eatingbecause so much of their knowledge is learned online,” says Heather Mangieri, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant who specializes in disordered eating. In her book, “Fueling Young Athletes,” she shares stories of …

Finally, A Solution For Stress-Eating That’s Actually Doable–1 hour ago
When we eat highly rewarding food (food that is high in sugar and/or fat and usually highly processed), it dampens the activity of our TRS, and we feel better. A message then gets sent to our brain that we learned how to “deal” with the stress, and the next time we are faced with this stress, our brain will get …

Economic Times
Plastic-eating enzyme holds promise in fighting pollution
KFGO–15 hours ago
(Refiles this April 16 story to fix affiliation in 10th paragraph.) (Reuters) – Scientists in Britain and the United States say they have engineered a plastic-eating enzyme that could in future help in the fight against pollution. The enzyme is able to digest polyethylene terephthalate, or PET – a form of plastic …

Could this study explain the mechanism behind binge eating?
Medical News Today–Apr 11, 2018
To better understand how obesogenic environments can lead to binge eating and promote obesity, Mara Dierssen, from the Centre for Genomic Regulation, and Rafael Maldonado, from the Pompeu Fabra … Their results have been published as two complementary articles in the journal Addiction Biology.

I’m Not Religious, and I Eat Chick-fil-A
National Review–11 hours ago
Although Cathy may have donated to organizations that lobbied against its legalization in the past, the fact is that it now is legal, and that isn’t going to change. If my eating sandwiches from one of Cathy’s restaurants was actually going to somehow contribute to gay marriage becoming illegal, then I wouldn’t …

Australia’s flesh-eating bug outbreak needs urgent research
Pursuit–Apr 15, 2018
But within weeks it’s eating away the skin and tissue underneath, and unless treated with strong antibiotics, it could grow into a gaping ulcerated wound … In an articlepublished in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA), Associate Professor O’Brien and colleagues are calling on Australia’s federal and state …

What Chefs Eat: Jonathan Manyo of Morel–21 hours ago
There’s no shortage of articles and television shows that showcase the dishes that chefs love to cook at their restaurants. But, what do they love to eat at the end of their exhausting 16-hour days? Or on their days off? In this series, we ask Milwaukee area chefs to share their favorite dishes – both from area …

The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right
Grub Street–Mar 19, 2018
Every wild species on the planet knows how to do it; presumably ours did, too, before our oversized brains found new ways to complicate things. Now, we’re the only species that can be baffled about the “right” way to eat. Really, we know how we should eat, but that understanding is continually undermined …

Help! Should You Eat Before You Work Out? A Fasting & Fitness …–Apr 16, 2018
When you’re trying to decide whether or not to eat before a workout, you’ll encounter a host of conflicting information. Some people say yes, eating before a workout can give you more energy, and others say no, it’ll slow you down. Here’s why I tell my clients to practice fasted exercise for the sake of their …

Looking To Heal Your Gut & Avoid Inflammation? Avoid These 11 …–1 hour ago
In my medical practice, I have witnessed firsthand that eating cashews dramatically increases inflammation, especially in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The cashew is part of the same family as poison ivy; I doubt if you’d consider munching on that. There are plenty of tasty nuts on the “yes, please” …
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