Deep-diving Antarctic seals take climate change’s measure–3 hours ago
Last month, Britain’s Natural Environment Research Council and the US National Science Foundation announced the International Thwaites …

Share of African American men going into medicine hits historic low–16 hours ago
Even as US diversity initiatives try to increase the representation of minority ethnic groups in science and medicine, the proportion of black men …

A photo celebration of scientists at work–Apr 26, 2018
This shot of marine biologist Callie Veelenturf kneeling with a sea turtle is the overall winner of Nature’s 2018 #ScientistAtWork photo contest, …

Indonesian plan to clamp down on foreign scientists draws protest–1 hour ago
Government documents state that the proposed regulations for international science are designed to protect Indonesia’s natural resources and …

Europe’s open-access drive escalates as university stand-offs spread–May 17, 2018
… libraries still pay subscriptions for access to paywalled articles, but their …. (Other publishers approached by Nature’s news team declined to …

Some hard numbers on science’s leadership problems–May 16, 2018
Nature’s survey grew from these discussions, in an effort to back up such …. Network and a collection of articles on leadership from the National …

Brazil’s lawmakers renew push to weaken environmental rules–Apr 30, 2018
The conservative coalition that dominates Brazil’s Congress is girding itself for one final push to roll back environmental regulations before …

Nature announces new editor-in-chief–May 2, 2018
Nature has named Magdalena Skipper as its new editor-in-chief. She is the first woman to hold the post. Skipper, who is currently editor-in-chief …

The ethics of experimenting with human brain tissue–Apr 27, 2018
If researchers could create brain tissue in the laboratory that might appear to have conscious experiences or subjective phenomenal states, …

Wikipedia’s top-cited scholarly articles — revealed–May 14, 2018
The most-cited journal articles on Wikipedia include papers on the names of lunar craters and the DNA sequences of human and mouse genes …
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