The Firing of a Cartoonist
New York Times–Jun 18, 2018
If anything, they are equivalent to op-ed articles. … message is clear: Your job is to be a mouthpiece, not to express any opinions of your own.

Trump and the Baby Snatchers
New York Times–Jun 17, 2018
They also reflect how politically poisonous the issue has become, as photographs and news articles circulate about the effects of the practice.”.

The Handmaids of Capitalism
New York Times–2 hours ago
There were wide differences of opinion among feminist intellectuals about …. of papers, journal articles or textbooks on modern gender theory.

Q&A: Telling the difference between factual and opinion statements in …
Pew Research Center–Jun 18, 2018
Along with factual and opinion statements, you presented … We also used individual statements rather than full articles to more closely …

If There’s a Red Wave Election in 2018, This Will Be Why
New York Times–Jun 9, 2018
… of the journal American Greatness and a contributing opinion writer. …. An earlier version of this article misattributed a quotation; it was John …

Op-Ed | The Pop-Up Has Grown Up
The Business of Fashion–Jun 19, 2018
Smart retailers are tapping into the power of the pop-up shop to study customers, test new business ideas and much more, writes Thomas S.

Donald Trump Is Not Playing by Your Rules
New York Times–Jun 11, 2018
Occasionally you can see eternity in a speck of time, and occasionally you can see the logic of an entire historic moment in one event. And so it …

Why the IRS Should Go After Trump
New York Times–Jun 15, 2018
Both ignorance of the law and a reasonable reliance upon opinion of counsel are defenses to criminal tax violations, and the tax law regarding …

Seizing Children From Parents at the Border Is Immoral. Here’s What …
New York Times–Jun 14, 2018
It may be hard to believe that this is happening in the United States in 2018, that hundreds of children are being snatched from their parents, …

Sounding Code Red: Electing the Trump Resistance
New York Times–May 30, 2018
[Receive arguments and opinions on the pressing social issues and hidden stories around the World Cup right in your inbox. Sign up for …
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