With new technology, mind control is no longer science-fiction
Massive–Oct 10, 2018
Reading minds seems to be a common part of the science-fiction … A brain-to-braininterface records the signals in one person’s brain, and …
Even a 10-Minute Walk May Be Good for the Brain
New York Times–Oct 24, 2018
We already know that exercise can change our brains and minds. … Equivalent experiments examining brain tissue are not possible in people.

How 10 Undecided Voters Made Up Their Minds
New York Times–Nov 2, 2018
Ms. Arjona made up her mind by talking to friends who were voting Democratic: “I have a few friends I trust, and … That’s how my brain works.”.

Magnolia Bark: Your Go-To Herb For Sleep & Anxiety
mindbodygreen.com–Nov 5, 2018
Its ability to ‘turn off the brain‘ (or at least calm it down) has benefits beyond the bedroom, too. In addition to aiding in restful zzz’s, magnolia bark …

Lab-grown brain bits open windows to the mind — and a maze of …
Washington Post–Sep 2, 2018
As the technology, which scientists refer to in journal articles as … Today, organoids that resemble different regions of the human brain are …

Here’s A Sneak-Peak Of Dave Asprey’s New Book: Game Changers
Inc.com–15 hours ago
Smarter comes first because everything else is easier when your brain reaches peak … It is only after you gain some control over your mind and body that you … I will be digging deep into this book and writing a few articles …

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a Powerhouse on the Rise
Wall Street Journal–Nov 5, 2018
“There was a point in Killing Eve where I felt like I had no brain left, …. Woodward Gentle had recently acquired the TV rights to Jennings’s Villanelle stories. … “I wanted someone who could occupy the mind of Villanelle, who is …

The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain
The Atlantic–Aug 4, 2018
Most books and articles about cognitive bias contain a brief passage, typically toward … At least with the optical illusion, our slow-thinking, analytic mind—what …

Why the Brain-Body Connection Is More Important Than We Think
National Geographic–Mar 17, 2018
In his new book, The Biological Mind, Alan Jasanoff, professor of biological … Can you explain what it means and why this view of the brain is …

Approaching Diversity with the Brain in Mind
strategy+business (blog)–Jun 6, 2018
Unconscious biases occur as a result of brain processes that aren’t consciously accessible, so it’s only natural that talking and thinking about …
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