Critical Trends May Affect Health Care Payments
U.S. News & World Report–20 hours ago
Drug costs, Medicare Advantage and how we handle post-acute care will be increasingly vital as the healthcare industry continues to evolve.

Trump’s Health-Care Progress
Wall Street Journal–Nov 4, 2018
Americans say health care is a leading concern in Tuesday’s election, and voters say they trust Democrats over Republicans by double-digit …

NY bill will improve health care, monitor prison staffing levels
CorrectionsOne–19 hours ago
NEW YORK — Prisoner health care must be significantly improved and staffing levels should be regularly monitored, a state lawmaker said …

To Disrupt Healthcare, Maybe Consider Listening To A Doctor
American Council on Science and Health–13 hours ago
In what is simply proving to be a redundant exercise at this point, new research published in the Annals of Family Medicine supports much …

Apple expands further into the US healthcare market
Innovation Enterprise–Oct 16, 2018
When used with the Apple Watch, the app will assess the user’s physical condition and activity, and provide data to healthcare professionals.

Charlotte Observer
Republicans’ claim of health-care protection flies in the face of reality
Washington Post–Nov 2, 2018
President Trump and Republicans repeatedly say that they are protecting Americans with preexisting medical conditions. It’s a false claim that …

For many, a struggle to find affordable mental health care
The Boston Globe–Oct 20, 2018
Editor’s note: Part of a series of occasional articles on how money … Massachusetts has more mental health care providers per capita than any …

The False Promise of ‘Medicare for All’
Wall Street Journal–Nov 12, 2018
Health care was a priority for midterm voters, and for good reason. In nearly five years since ObamaCare’s major provisions came into effect, …

Shaping Health Care In America Through M&A And Innovation
Law360–18 hours ago
This is a notable period for the modern health care industry in America. The health care ecosystem is evolving at an accelerating pace.
Healthcare journalists rarely use nurses as sources, study finds
Becker’s Hospital Review–Oct 16, 2018
In the replication, researchers collected 2,243 healthcare articles published in September 2017 by the same news outlets used in the original …
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