What Could Go Wrong With Climate Change Investing
Wall Street Journal–21 hours ago
It has become accepted wisdom among many of the world’s largest institutional investors that climate change will do obvious damage to the …

Sen. Murkowski Warns About the Impact of Climate Change
Eos–Dec 13, 2018
The impact of climate change in Alaska “is real, it is happening, it is now, and almost none of these changes are for the better for us.” Although …

The Latest: US-China Trade Spat Having Role in Climate Talks
U.S. News & World Report–55 minutes ago
He added that “climate action won’t be a barrier for growth and trade,” citing his own country’s economic growth even as it cuts its use of fossil …

The list of extreme weather caused by human-driven climate change …
Science News–Dec 11, 2018
WASHINGTON – A months-long heat wave that scorched the Tasman Sea beginning in November of 2017 is the latest example of an extreme …

Do climate policies have a negative effect on jobs?
High Country News–4 hours ago
Climate change will hurt the economy if not addressed, but evidence on how environmental regulations affect unemployment is mixed.

Assessing the efficiency of changes in land use for mitigating climate …
Nature.com–Dec 12, 2018
Land-use changes are critical for climate policy because native vegetation and soils store abundant carbon and their losses from agricultural …

Around the World, Climate Goals Clash With Reality
Wall Street Journal–Dec 12, 2018
As negotiators at United Nations climate talks in Poland this week …. Wang in Beijing and Paul Vieira in Ottawa contributed to this article.
Trump Team Pushes Fossil Fuels at Climate Talks. Protests Erupt, but …
In-Depth–New York Times–Dec 10, 2018
In-Depth–New York Times–Dec 10, 2018

As French Protests Grow, Media’s Climate Focus Shrinks
RealClearPolitics–Dec 12, 2018
In contrast, the timeline below shows the percentage of these protest-related articlesthat also mentioned either “global warming” or “climate …

Will Double-Counting Dust-Up Crush Katowice Climate Conference?
Ecosystem Marketplace–3 minutes ago
For three years, Brazil has insisted that developing countries should be allowed to double-count some emission reductions in the early years of …

Climate Change Emerging From the Political Shadows
Wall Street Journal–Dec 10, 2018
What’s the sleeper issue of the new political cycle? Here’s a good bet: It will be climate change. The signs are proliferating rapidly.
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