The most popular Physics Today articles of 2018
Physics Today–Dec 13, 2018
The year is nearly over, and I’m exhausted. At times during the whirlwind that was 2018, I felt determined to dig into the news and make sense …

Highlights of the Year
Physics–19 hours ago
As 2018 draws to a close, we look back at our favorite stories of the year, from groundbreaking research to a poem inspired by quantum physics …

A quantum threat gets its moment of fame–Dec 13, 2018
By chance, my article came out on the same day as a piece in the New … But cryptographic systems that rely on quantum physics to keep data …

Viewpoint: Dissecting the Mass of the Proton
Physics–Nov 19, 2018
While this four-part decomposition has been known for more than 20 years [2], physicists‘ understanding of it has been only qualitative.

Topological-physics pioneer Shoucheng Zhang dies–Dec 8, 2018
Theoretical physicist was among the first to predict that the phenomenon of topology could lead to exotic states of matter.

Does the Universe Still Need Einstein?
New York Times–Nov 19, 2018
But lately he has been dying a second death, if one believes a new spate of articlesand papers bemoaning the state of contemporary physics.

Focus: Black Hole as Extreme Particle Accelerator
Physics–Dec 14, 2018
… in understanding magnetic energy conversion to energetic particles in jets,” says plasma physicist James Drake of the University of Maryland, …

Arts & Culture: A Journal for the Polymath
Physics–Dec 12, 2018
While Leonardo may not be the only journal to offer this special blend of articles, it is one of few, said Philip Moriarty, a physicist at the …

Focus: Computing with Wi-Fi Waves
Physics–Nov 30, 2018
This research is published in Physical Review X. –Michael Schirber. Michael Schirber is a Corresponding Editor for Physics based in Lyon, …

Viewpoint: The Plot Thickens for a Fourth Neutrino
Physics–Nov 26, 2018
Later, physicists learned that neutrinos oscillate, meaning that the three known neutrino “flavors” (electron, muon, and tau) periodically convert …
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