Articles by Mike Commisso

PlayStation 4 Pro Review PS4

By Jimmy Thang for Game Spot. The PlayStation 4 Pro represents a new move for Sony. While the company has refreshed many of its consoles before, the…

Did Social Media Ruin Election 2016?

By SAM SANDERS for National Public Radio. I’ve noticed two distinct ways social media have changed the way we talk to each other about politics. Clearly, they…

Apple’s Secret iPhone Discount

By Ewan Spence  for Forbes Magazine. Do you fancy picking up your next iPhone with a hundred-dollar discount? Or would you rather feel the security of buying…

We Make Voting Feel Good

By Henry Grabar for Slate. A 17-hour day. A lousy paycheck. And a chance to restore faith in the democratic process. Here’s what it’s like to…

Democratic insiders near-certain of Clinton win

By STEVEN SHEPARD for Politico. Swing-state Democrats are supremely confident of Hillary Clinton’s chances Tuesday, while Republicans are considerably less optimistic about Donald Trump’s odds of…

Why it can be rational to vote

By Andrew Gelman for the Washington Post. I like to run this one before every election, because I think it’s important: With a national election coming…