Android and iOS Go to War: Who Can Block the Most Ads?

Android and iOS Go to War

Will this be the war of the century? With Apple’s introduction of their latest AdBlock software, people have restarted the age old rivalry between Android and iOS, but when did it ever die? Anyhow, it seems the trending topic among people is whose ad blocking software is the best. At the moment, forget about the rivalry between these two reigning kings, and think about what it will do to  web-based content businesses.

The Revolt of the Web-Based Businesses

With iOS and Android both gunning for the same aim—to make the end user experience better for customers—the web-based businesses are speaking up. Even though users will gladly appreciate the mobile phone companies’ newest software for blocking ads, for web-based businesses, it is the start of devastation to ad revenues and their very existence.

Think about this for a second; web-bases companies make money from the advertisements they place in there content. When users begin to install software that will zap pop ups ads, and autoplay, less or no revenue will be generated. The line “Winter is Coming” from Games of Thrones suits them perfectly right now. However, neither Android nor iOS are thinking of web-based businesses right now, as their main focus is entirely on users and of course, on outdoing each other.

iOS vs. Android—Let the Battle Begin

Users are benefitting from this war, as they have the option to eliminate all the pesky ads, but even they know that one mobile company is doing better. So, which one is it? Starting with iOS, the mobile company lets users install an ad blocker for their default browser Safari. For Android users, it is a whole different story.

Google gives users the option to block ads, but if history tells you anything it is that Google will refuseto give users the option to install ad blocking apps from their store, as they care aboutthe services offered by third parties. This kind of makes you question if Android even has a chance to win the war. On their end, Apple has allowed as many ad blocking apps to be available at the store.

Is iOS Winning?

iOS users have the option to download from a variety of different ad blocking apps. All hail Apple for not having a conscious, as they have made it easier for users to browse the web with zero annoying ads to interfere with the browsing experience.

They have gone a step further and offer add-ons such as Adblock Plus for users who do not use their default app. On the losing end, you have Android that does not offer users with option to add any ad-blocking plugin to Chrome.

It looks like Android will be no match for iOS when it comes to ad-blocking software. Apple’s light will continue to shine bright, as Android’s light will dim. In the race of iOS vs. Android, iOS has won the battle, but it won long time ago when Android banned ad-blocking apps from the Google play store.

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