Politics: All the Latest Headlines from Real Clear Politics

Clinton and Sanders Brawl in Brooklyn Debate
Caitlin Huey-Burns, RealClearPolitics
BROOKLYN, N.Y.With a critical primary contest just days away, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders met on a Brooklyn stage Thursday night for what could be their final debate. And, unlike…

Any Claim That Trump Has Lost Momentum Is About to End
Jim Newell, Slate
Those Republicans united in opposition to Donald Trump’s candidacy pulled off the perfect victory in the April 5 Republican primary in Wisconsin. Throu …

Sanders Sneering at Millions of Democratic Voters
Paul Krugman, NY Times

The Hell After ISIS
Anand Gopal, The Atlantic
Even as the militant group loses ground in Iraq, many Sunnis say they have no hope for peace. One familyâ??s story shows why.

Chicago’s Racist Cops & Racist Courts
Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve, New York Times

Dems Can Learn From Bill Clinton’s Crime & Welfare-Reform Bills
Joe Klein, Time
Hillary Clintonâ??s campaign could use a strong dose of politically incorrect truth telling

How the GOP Ended Up with Too Many 2016 Candidates
Daniel Larison, TAC
Movement conservatives have an odd habit of trying to promote new political talent too quickly.

The Mystery of the Two Hillarys
Indira Lakshmanan, Politico
I covered her as a candidate, and then as secretary of stateand it was like two totally different people.

Is Trump Sabotaging Himself?
Michael Gerson, Washington Post

Let Me Ask America a Question
Donald J. Trump, Wall Street Journal
How has the ‘system’ been working out for you and your family? No wonder voters demand change.

How Immigration Will Change Sweden Profoundly
Jason Karaian, Quartz
In relation to its size, Sweden has long accepted more refugees than any other European country. So when over a million migrants came to Europe last year, with even more on their way this year, a large share sought asylum in Sweden.Attracted by Stockholm’s generous immigration policies, more than 160,000 migrants applied for refugee status in Sweden in 2015, a per-capita rate more than six times the EU average. The sheer scale of this influx is set to change Sweden in profound ways.

Sex Slave Legacy: The Children of the Islamic State
Katrin Kuntz, Der Spiegel
At night, when Khaula lies in bed and finally falls asleep, she often dreams of her child. Each time, the same images appear before her: She sees her hands clasped together in front of her chest, forming a hollow. When she lifts her upper hand, a bird is sitting beneath it. She sees its body and its feathers, but the bird doesn’t look at her, and there is no song to be heard from its throat. Its tiny head is missing.

Paul Ryan’s Long Game
A.B. Stoddard, The Hill
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is known as one of the deepest thinkers in the GOP — so why do his fellow Republicans think he is stupid?On Tuesday Ryan shut the door — again — to the idea of being drafted as the crisis nominee for his chaotic party if there’s a contested convention this summer. Anyone who believes in the future of the Republican Party, and anyone who dearly hopes to see Ryan run for president one day, would not wish any such punishment on one of the party’s brightest lights. Ryan can’t win the White House this year, and in trying to he would…

The Clintons Can’t Create Their Own History
Charles Pierce, Esquire
Since we’re going to be arguing about it for a while, let us stipulate that when Bill Clinton signed the Violent Crime and Control Act in 1994 he did not single-handedly launch the destructive effects of mass incarceration and racial disparity in our legal system. What he did was put a conservative Democratic gloss on a process that began in the modern era with Lyndon Johnson’s Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act in 1968, and that accelerated with Ronald Reagan’s Omnibus Crime Bill in 1984. But that very fact clinches the case that the current critics of the 1994 bill—which…

Vanity Will Be The Donald’s Undoing
Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal
‘He can run, but he can’t hide,” Joe Louis once said of fellow boxer Billy Conn. The same might be said of Donald Trump. In March the Republican front-runner gave three long, revealing interviews—two with the Washington Post and one with the New York Times—that were not reassuring.Mr. Trump, who has often displayed his ignorance about myriad policies, added to the impression of not having thought through his presidential bid. Quizzed by the Post’s Bob Woodward and Robert Costa about how long it would take a Trump administration to get rid of the $19…

Empty Dorms, Empty Mansions
Glenn Harlan Reynolds, USA Today
France lost 10,000 millionaires last year. Meanwhile, Chicago is losing more millionaires than any other U.S. city. And the University of Missouri just closed two more dorms — for a total of four shut down this spring — because of plummeting enrollment.What do these things have in common? The consequences of giving in to leftist demands, instead of focusing on the basics.

The Real Welfare Cheats
Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
We often hear how damaging welfare dependency is, stifling initiative and corroding the human soul. So I worry about the way we coddle executives in their suites.A study to be released Thursday says that for each dollar America’s 50 biggest companies paid in federal taxes between 2008 and 2014, they received $27 back in federal loans, loan guarantees and bailouts.Goodness! What will that do to their character? Won’t that sap their initiative?

How A Sleeper Socialist Blew Up the Democratic Primary
Glenn Garvin, Reason
Everything you need to know about the 2016 race for the Democratic presidential nomination can be found in a single moment in one of the early debates, when Bernie Sanders was asked for his thoughts on banks. His face creased in pharisaical rage.”They trample on the middle class, they control Washington, and why do they chain all their pens to the desks?” he demanded. “You gotta break up the banks into little pieces and then flush the pieces down the toilet so you can never put the banks back together. Then you just make the bankers pay for college for everyone, and America’s fixed!”

Donald Trump’s Insincere Process Arguments
Michael Barone, Washington Examiner
“Gestapo tactics.” That’s how Donald Trump’s recently installed campaign manager Paul Manafort characterized the Ted Cruz campaign’s successful effort to win all 34 of Colorado’s national convention delegates awarded at the long-scheduled Republican congressional district and state conventions.”Today, winning votes doesn’t mean anything,” Trump complained. “It’s a corrupt deal going on in this country and it’s not fair to you people.”

The Clintons Have Mastered the Practice of Conflicts of Interest

Trump Channels Inner Spoiled Brat Over Delegate Count

Police Task Force Report Delivers Uncomfortable Truths

How Obamacare Is Fueling America’s Opioid Epidemic
Sean Gregory, Time
Some doctors say patient surveys have led them to prescribe more painkillers

How to Fix the U.S. Supreme Court Impasse
Garrett Epps, The Atlantic
Some progressives say Obama could appoint Merrick Garland without Senate approval. Only voters can change the situation.

Is Israel Forming an Alliance With Egypt & Saudi Arabia?
Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor
Israel estimates that strengthening Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and maintaining a dialogue with Saudi Arabia are key elements for the region’s stability.

Obama’s Surge – It’s Not Against Jihadis
Abraham Miller, The American Spectator
Here comes the surge! No, not a military surge against ISIS or an increase in the number of security personnel guarding our mass transportation hubs. Here comes the surge in Syrian refugees.And if you live in a preferred community, as I do in Walnut Creek, California, over the next year you are going to feel its impact.There is an obvious and shameful reason that the federal government does not bother to make communities aware of what’s coming. It knows there will be resistance. Dumping refugees into the institutional structure of a community can have dire consequences for that…

Hey, Dems, Stop Gloating. Your Party Is Imploding Too
Steve Almond, Salon
The enduring lesson of Campaign 2016 for Democrats is that the center cannot hold

For GOP, Unity Trumps a Flawed Candidate
John Stoehr, The American Conservative
With Paul Ryan firmly out, the GOP’s best hope just might be The Donald.

Ted Cruz Could Be President. No, Seriously
Matthew Cooper, Newsweek

Tax Refunds for Illegal Immigrants

Where John Kasich Is Right

Obama Administration Boasts As ISIS Grows Deadlier

Why the Transgender Bathroom Wars Matter
Heather Wilhelm, RealClearPolitics
Decades ago, when Americans imagined 2016, hopeful citizens visualized groovy innovations like widely available personal jetpacks, easily accessible moon bases, and ‘futuristic’ fashion…

Garcetti Still Spinning the O.J. Trial. Here’s the Truth
Gregg Jarrett, FOX News
In the wake of the popular television series The People v. O.J. Simpson on FX, former Los Angeles District Attorney Gil Garcetti spoke with the New York Post and NBCâ??s Today show.

The Left’s Long War Against Clarence Thomas
Monica Crowley, Washington Times
In its war for America, the left never rests, sometimes falters but rarely allows itself to fail. It works tirelessly to “fundamentally transform the nation” and smashes anyone and anything that gets in its way.

The Abortion Map Today
Linda Greenhouse, New York Times

Dems’ Deceptions About High Court Vacancy
Senator Orrin Hatch, RealClearPolitics
In the debate over the Supreme Court vacancy, Senate Republicans have taken a principled stand to wait until after the election to consider a nominee. In response, Democrats and their liberal allies…

Trump’s Loose Nuke Talk Is Dangerous
Hillary Clinton, New York Daily News

Debate Text Analysis: Trump Is the Moderate
Weifeng Zhong, RealClearPolitics
Lots of extreme things have been said about Donald Trump, but when you look at his own words there is surprising news: He appears moderate, says positive things, and uses effective language. In the…

The Lessons of John Kasich
Ross Douthat, New York Times

The Bernie Sanders Double Standard
Lanny Davis, RealClearPolitics
Last week, Bernie Sanders decided to focus his message ahead of New York’s upcoming primary on the assertion that Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be president.Eight years as first lady…

Bill Clinton Got It Right For a Minute
Nolan Finley, Detroit News
Bill Clinton got it right on Black Lives Matter, and on uncivil discourse, but only for a minute

A State-By-State Roadmap For The Rest of the GOP Primary
Nate Silver, 538
Three weeks ago, when we last took a detailed look at Donald Trumpâ??s quest to win 1,237 delegates, his path looked rocky but endurable. The panel of eight experts FiveThirtyEight assembled projecteâ?¦

Trump’s Refreshing Foreign Policy Heresy
Stephen Kinzer, Boston Globe
Be grateful that heâ??s shaking up Washingtonâ??s ossified playbook

Dear Bernie and Hillary: Stop the Nastiness
Julian Zelizer, CNN
In Thursday night’s debate, Sanders and Clinton have an opportunity to restore a constructive tone to their competition

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