Personal Tech: What Geeks are talking about from ZDNet

Google rolls out GBoard keyboard for iOS
The iOS-based keyboard app lets users search and send information, GIFs and emojis right from the keyboard without having to leave the app.

Why Apple’s R&D spending surge may not result in one more thing
For all the science that goes into R&D, the process of turning research into product is more of an art with a dash of luck. The law of averages dictates Apple’s R&D surge may result in a few misses too.

Mozilla wants feds to turn over Firefox hack used to catch sex offender
In a court filing, the browser maker said the government should not sit on a vulnerability that threatens millions of users.

Microsoft broadens preview availability of its GigJam collaboration service
Microsoft’s new GigJam service and client app for “getting work done” is moving to the public preview phase, with general availability targeted for the end of calendar 2016.

Adobe releases Flash update to fix critical security flaws
Hackers are actively exploiting the Flash security flaw to hijack computers.

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