Here is the latest Science News from Wired Magazine.
Annotated Volcano: Exploring Pinatubo’s Devastating Eruption, 25 Years Later

It’s been 25 years since the massive eruption of Pinatubo in the Philippines, but its remarkable to see how quickly the land has recovered. The post Annotated Volcano: Exploring Pinatubo’s Devastating Eruption, 25 Years Later appeared first on WIRED.
Are Expensive Bicycle Wheels Worth the Money? Let’s Check the Physics

If you decrease the drag by just a little bit, you can get significant power savings on a bicycle. However, these savings are only worthwhile at high speeds. The post Are Expensive Bicycle Wheels Worth the Money? Let’s Check the Physics appeared first on WIRED.
The Physics Behind Captain America’s Ricocheting Shield

Captain America likes to throw his shield so that it bounces off multiple surfaces. How difficult would these kinds of throws be? The post The Physics Behind Captain America’s Ricocheting Shield appeared first on WIRED.
Check Out the New Lava Flows From Kilauea and Piton de la Fournaise

Two island volcanoes in the middle of the Pacific and Indian oceans had new lava flows last week. The post Check Out the New Lava Flows From Kilauea and Piton de la Fournaiseappeared first on WIRED.
How the Textbook Industry Tries to Hook Your Prof

Textbook reps often stop by to promote a particular book. Here are my thoughts on physics textbooks in general. The post How the Textbook Industry Tries to Hook Your Profappeared first on WIRED.
Please Don’t Blame Mars for This Week’s Explosive Volcanic Eruptions

Despite what people might claim, the busy week in volcanism isn’t part of a greater pattern or magical planetary alignment. The post Please Don’t Blame Mars for This Week’s Explosive Volcanic Eruptions appeared first on WIRED.
We Swear There’s a Reason to Model This Ball Bouncing Off a Wall

When light reflects off a mirror, the incident angle is equal to the reflected angle. Is the same true for a ball bouncing off a wall? The post We Swear There’s a Reason to Model This Ball Bouncing Off a Wall appeared first on WIRED.
A New Record for Physics Graduates

Seven people graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a degree in physics. This is a big deal. No, really. The post A New Record for Physics Graduates appeared first on WIRED.
The Independence Day: Resurgence Spaceship Has Its Own Gravity

In the trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence, the alien spacecraft seems to gravitationally lift some buildings. What kind of mass would it have to have to do this? The post TheIndependence Day: Resurgence Spaceship Has Its Own Gravity appeared first on WIRED.
A New Earthquake Swarm Is Rocking Oregon’s Mt. Hood

Hood has joined St. Helens in a reminder that the Cascades are full of potentially active volcanoes. The post A New Earthquake Swarm Is Rocking Oregon’s Mt. Hood appeared first on WIRED.
Physics Says Hollywood Shrank the Angry Birds for Their Leading Roles

In a previous analysis of the Angry Birds game, I found the size of the birds to be quite large. How big are the birds in the Angry Birds Movie? The post Physics Says Hollywood Shrank the Angry Birds for Their Leading Roles appeared first on WIRED.
Go Ahead, Connect an Inductor and Capacitor and See What Happens

What happens when you connect a charged capacitor to an inductor? You get an oscillating circuit. Here’s how it all works. The post Go Ahead, Connect an Inductor and Capacitor and See What Happens appeared first on WIRED.
Satellites Are Keeping a Close Eye on Remote Eruptions

Two remote volcanoes had eruptions over the last week. Meanwhile, things heated up in Chile and cooled down in New Zealand. The post Satellites Are Keeping a Close Eye on Remote Eruptions appeared first on WIRED.
No, Jose Ramirez’s Helmet Doesn’t Defy the Laws of Physics

In this clip, José Ramírez kicks his helmet as it falls off his head. The helmet appears to both fly backwards and land on second base. Here’s how it works. The post No, Jose Ramirez’s Helmet Doesn’t Defy the Laws of Physics appeared first on WIRED.
Mount St. Helens Is Recharging Its Magma Stores, Setting Off Earthquake Swarms

Mount St. Helens in Washington may have been quiet at the surface since 2008, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t recharging for the next one. The post Mount St. Helens Is Recharging Its Magma Stores, Setting Off Earthquake Swarms appeared first on WIRED.
Whoa: A Tesla Coil Can Zap Nanotubes Into Long Nanowires

Researchers at Rice University have found a new method for assembling carbon nanotubes into wires using high electric fields produced by a Tesla coil. The post Whoa: A Tesla Coil Can Zap Nanotubes Into Long Nanowires appeared first on WIRED.
Happy May the 4th! Let’s Break Down a Super Star Destroyer’s Super Death

In this scene from Return of the Jedi, a Super Star Destroyer crashes into the Death Star. What can we learn from a physics analysis of this event? The post Happy May the 4th! Let’s Break Down a Super Star Destroyer’s Super Death appeared first on WIRED.
New Zealand’s White Island Volcano Rumbles to Life and Paints Itself Green

White Island had its first small eruption since 2013. Also, updates from Ruapehu, Nyiragongo and Turrialba. The post New Zealand’s White Island Volcano Rumbles to Life and Paints Itself Green appeared first on WIRED.
Don’t Put a Crane Outside a Physicist’s Window if You Don’t Want Some Math

With construction next door, I keep seeing physics examples. Here I calculate the torque and forces on a large crane. The post Don’t Put a Crane Outside a Physicist’s Window if You Don’t Want Some Math appeared first on WIRED.
Annotated Volcano: A Spectacular View of Tenerife From the ISS

A spectacular view of Tenerife in the Canary Island shows off its volcanic history. The post Annotated Volcano: A Spectacular View of Tenerife From the ISS appeared first onWIRED.
Erupting Russian Volcanoes Could Make a Mess of Your Flight

It is as volcanically busy as ever in the remote Kamchatka Peninsula, and even relatively small eruptions in the region could impact aircraft. The post Erupting Russian Volcanoes Could Make a Mess of Your Flight appeared first on WIRED.
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