If Your Science Professors Aren’t Confusing, They’re Doing It Wrong

Students say they prefer science classes with “clear cut” answers. Sadly, real learning is never so straightforward. The post If Your Science Professors Aren’t Confusing, They’re Doing It Wrong appeared first on WIRED.
Civil War’s Winter Soldier Couldn’t Survive This Giant Jump

In this clip from Captain America Civil War, the Winter Soldier jumps down from a great height. What kind of acceleration would he have on landing? The post Civil War’s Winter Soldier Couldn’t Survive This Giant Jump appeared first on WIRED.
No, This Weekend’s Big Twin Earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador Won’t Cause Eruptions

Two big earthquakes in the matter of a few days. Are they connected and will they trigger eruptions? The answer is “no” on both fronts. The post No, This Weekend’s Big Twin Earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador Won’t Cause Eruptions appeared first on WIRED.
Calculate Your Way to Special Relativity Just Like Einstein

What happens when you look at the electromagnetic force from two different reference frames? The answer: Special Relativity The post Calculate Your Way to Special Relativity Just Like Einstein appeared first on WIRED.
How Breakthrough Starshot’s Tiny Spacecraft Can Hack Physics to Go Interstellar

The goal of the Starshot program is to create small nanocraft to travel at very high speeds in order to reach another star. Why so small? The post How Breakthrough Starshot’s Tiny Spacecraft Can Hack Physics to Go Interstellar appeared first on WIRED.
The Physics of That Crazy Ricochet Hole in One at the Masters

During the 2016 US Masters Oosthuizen had a shot that deflected off another ball to result in a hole in one on a par 3. Here is a look at the physics of this event. The post The Physics of That Crazy Ricochet Hole in One at the Masters appeared first on WIRED.
Dang, the Death Star Is Coming Together Quick in the New Star Wars Trailer

A scene in the Rogue One trailer shows the assembly of the Death Star. How fast was the dish piece moving? Homework included. The post Dang, the Death Star Is Coming Together Quick in the New Star Wars Trailer appeared first on WIRED.
The Physics Behind Another Bogus Perpetual Motion Machine

I said I wouldn’t look at these silly machines anymore, but I decided to do another one. Here is a popular video showing a perpetual motion machine and the reason it won’t work. The post The Physics Behind Another Bogus Perpetual Motion Machine appeared first on WIRED.
Annotated Volcano: Check Out the Craters and Lava Flows of Eritrea’s Nabro

The 2011-12 eruption of Nabro in Eritrea left quite an altered landscape covered in ash and lava flows. The post Annotated Volcano: Check Out the Craters and Lava Flows of Eritrea’s Nabro appeared first on WIRED.
Would Magneto Get Whiplash if Quicksilver Pushed Him Out of Danger? No, He’d Just Die

In X-Men: Days of Future Past, Quicksilver rescues Magneto by running really fast through a hallway. What kind of acceleration would this require? The post Would Magneto Get Whiplash if Quicksilver Pushed Him Out of Danger? No, He’d Just Die appeared first on WIRED.
Three Ways to Make a Rocket From a Bottle (Bonus: GIFs!)

Here are three different methods to make a rocket – water and air, soda and butane or liquid nitrogen and water. The post Three Ways to Make a Rocket From a Bottle (Bonus: GIFs!) appeared first on WIRED.
Science Education Is Woefully Uncreative. That Has to Change

Is science a creative endeavor? Yes! However, most people don’t think so, so our science classes are typically deficient in creativity. The post Science Education Is Woefully Uncreative. That Has to Change appeared first on WIRED.
Alaska’s Volcano Cools Down, While a Chilean One Heats Up

After one of the most vigorous eruptions in decades, Alaska’s Pavlof calms down. Also, updates from Copahue and Kanlaon. The post Alaska’s Volcano Cools Down, While a Chilean One Heats Up appeared first on WIRED.
Pavlof’s Unexpected Eruption in Alaska Spews Ash 20,000 Feet High

After over a year of quiet, Pavlof in Alaska erupted unexpectedly and in impressive fashion. The post Pavlof’s Unexpected Eruption in Alaska Spews Ash 20,000 Feet High appeared first on WIRED.
You Can Solve Quantum Mechanics’ Classic Particle in a Box Problem With Code

The classic quantum mechanics problem is a particle in a 1-D box. Here is a numerical solution to that problem. The post You Can Solve Quantum Mechanics’ Classic Particle in a Box Problem With Code appeared first on WIRED.
Annotated Volcanoes: Let’s Explore Argentina’s Ancient Cerro el Condor … From Space!

The Andes are a great place to see well-preserved volcanic features from space. The post Annotated Volcanoes: Let’s Explore Argentina’s Ancient Cerro el Condor … From Space!appeared first on WIRED.
Sure, Superman Has X-Ray Vision. But How Would It Actually Work?

In both the comics and the movies, Superman has the power of X-ray vision. How would this work and what other ways could you see through stuff? The post Sure, Superman Has X-Ray Vision. But How Would It Actually Work? appeared first on WIRED.
I’m So Totally Over Newton’s Laws of Motion

Just about every physics textbook starts off with Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. This is the wrong approach for learning physics. The post I’m So Totally Over Newton’s Laws of Motion appeared first on WIRED.
Blasts at Costa Rica’s Rincón de la Vieja Volcano Hint at Something Big

The recent explosions at Costa Rica’s Rincón de la Vieja might be small, but they could be signs of larger things to come. The post Blasts at Costa Rica’s Rincón de la Vieja Volcano Hint at Something Big appeared first on WIRED.
Captain America’s Kick Would Only Work if He Was Rocket-Powered

In a trailer for Captain America Civil War, one clip shows Cap kicking a soldier who then flies back. Is momentum conserved in this collision? The post Captain America’s Kick Would Only Work if He Was Rocket-Powered appeared first on WIRED.
If You Like Volcanoes Behaving Badly, Follow Them on Twitter

Quite a few volcano observatories or volcano monitoring agencies are on Twitter, giving us the latest news of eruption to the second. The post If You Like Volcanoes Behaving Badly, Follow Them on Twitter appeared first on WIRED.
6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Pi

March 14th is Pi Day, so here are some fun aspects of Pi that you might not know. The post 6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Pi appeared first on WIRED.
The Physics of Buster’s Epic End in the MythBusters Finale

In the final episode of The MythBusters, Buster the crash test dummy went on one last mission to ride a rocket sled. What was his acceleration? The post The Physics of Buster’s Epic End in the MythBusters Finale appeared first on WIRED.
Does a Solar Eclipse Change the Earth’s Temperature?

When we get a solar eclipse, does it have an impact on the global temperature? Here are some rough estimations to get an answer. The post Does a Solar Eclipse Change the Earth’s Temperature? appeared first on WIRED.
Think You Can Drive Fast Enough to Escape an Erupting Volcano?

Gigantic eruptions from volcanoes strike terror in most people, but new research suggests that you might just be able to get out of harm’s way in time. The post Think You Can Drive Fast Enough to Escape an Erupting Volcano? appeared first on WIRED.
The 4 Most Important Things MythBusters Taught the World

Science is just like other activities that make us human: art, music, and emoji (actually, just kidding about the emoji). The post The 4 Most Important Things MythBusters Taught the World appeared first on WIRED.
Doing Loops in a Tomorrowland Jet Pack Might Kill You

In the movie Tomorrowland, people have jetpacks (or rocket packs). Here is an analysis of the acceleration of a rocket pack. The post Doing Loops in a Tomorrowland Jet Pack Might Kill You appeared first on WIRED.
Ecuador’s Tungurahua Volcano Is Spewing Ash 4 Miles High

Tungurahua picked up where it left off in 2015 with some impressive explosions. The post Ecuador’s Tungurahua Volcano Is Spewing Ash 4 Miles High appeared first on WIRED.
The Physics of Dropping Out of a Plane in an Inflatable Ball

The MythBusters wanted to test if you could survive a fall in an inflatable ball. But how high would you have to drop it to reach terminal velocity? The post The Physics of Dropping Out of a Plane in an Inflatable Ball appeared first on WIRED.
LIGO Ain’t a Gravitational Wave Detector—It’s an Observatory

In order to use LIGO for astronomy, you need to know the location of the source of the gravitational waves. Here’s how that works. The post LIGO Ain’t a Gravitational Wave Detector—It’s an Observatory appeared first on WIRED.
The Volcanoes of Nicaragua Sure Have Been Cranky This Year

Five volcanoes in Nicaragua have been restless so far in busy 2016 for the Central American nation. The post The Volcanoes of Nicaragua Sure Have Been Cranky This Yearappeared first on WIRED.
Science Fairs Have Lost Their Way. Let’s Make Them Cool Again

If you have ever judged a science fair, you can easily see that there are some problems. How can we fix this? Here are some ideas. The post Science Fairs Have Lost Their Way. Let’s Make Them Cool Again appeared first on WIRED.
Calculating Calories by Burning Gummy Bears to Death

In a recent episode of the MythBusters, the team launched a rocket with Gummy Bear fuel and one with poop as a fuel. How do you know how much energy is stored?
The post Calculating Calories by Burning Gummy Bears to Death appeared first on WIRED.
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