That’s Just Your Opinion: Moral Relativism and the Death of Liberty

Story image for opinion news articles from American Thinker

That’s Just Your Opinion: Moral Relativism and the Death of Liberty

American Thinker5 hours ago
Among my most hated clichés is one that you’ve undoubtedly heard countless times: “Everyone’s entitled to an opinion.” It’s true, of course.
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

President Trump’s Really Weak Week

New York TimesJul 29, 2017
But one could be forgiven for mistaking the vicious tactics of the MS-13 gang, as described by the president in a Long Island speech on Friday, …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Sally Yates: Protect the Justice Department From President Trump

New York TimesJul 28, 2017
The spectacle of President Trump’s efforts to humiliate the attorney general into resigning has transfixed the country. But while we are busy …

The autonomy façade

The Hindu5 hours ago
The Prasar Bharati Corporation is neither fish nor fowl, as editorials and opinion articles have pointed out. This mix-up in identity is due to the …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Sunday Times of London Fires Writer Over Article Called Anti-Semitic

New York Times18 hours ago
DUBLIN — The Sunday Times of London has fired the writer of an op-ed articledenouncing the campaign by women of the British …
Story image for opinion news articles from Washington Post

The worst is yet to come

Washington PostJul 27, 2017
Will House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) immediately open debate on articles of impeachment? Will we, the people, defend our democracy?
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Artificial Intelligence Is Stuck. Here’s How to Move It Forward.

New York TimesJul 29, 2017
Artificial Intelligence is colossally hyped these days, but the dirty little secret is that it still has a long, long way to go. Sure, A.I. systems have …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

The ‘No Guardrails’ Presidency

New York TimesJul 28, 2017
President Trump at a rally in Ohio on Tuesday. The vulgarity of his administration has not deterred his supporters. Credit Doug Mills/The New …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

GOP Support for Trump Is Starting to Crack

New York TimesJul 24, 2017
President Trump lacks the degree of backing in Congress that his predecessors had with congressional members of their own party.
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Donald Trump’s Dominatrix

New York TimesJul 27, 2017
At this point I think it’s fair to say that Donald Trump has gone beyond taunting and demonizing Hillary Clinton to a realm of outright obsession.

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