The Future of Food
The Nation.–Oct 11, 2017
Something strange and troubling is sweeping the fields of New Morning Farm in South Central Pennsylvania. Over the past few years, Jim …

The Trouble With Food Policing in Schools
U.S. News & World Report–Oct 9, 2017
Having been raised by teachers, I vividly remember my parents talking about food in the context of what students had to eat – or didn’t. My Mom …

Stress may harm gut health as much as junk food
Medical News Today–Oct 17, 2017
According to a new study, stress may be just as detrimental to our health as junk food — for women, at least. Researchers found that stressed …

Here’s How a No-Deal Brexit Could Create Chaos in Your Daily Life
Bloomberg–Oct 18, 2017
But what about risks faced by key industries particularly reliant on EU trade, labor or common rules, such as food and pharmaceuticals?

BOE Nears ‘Tipping Point’ as Inflation Climbs to 5 1/2 Year High
Bloomberg–Oct 17, 2017
Consumer prices, boosted by the cost of food and transport, climbed at the fastest annual pace since April 2012. That intensifies the squeeze …

The 10 best food allergy apps
Medical News Today–Oct 12, 2017
A food allergy is when the immune system reacts after eating a certain food. The body’s immune system mistakenly handles particular proteins …

World Hunger Is Increasing, Thanks to Wars and Climate Change
Scientific American–19 hours ago
As these disasters compete for our attention, they make it harder for people in poor, marginalized and war-torn regions to access adequate food …

Pakistan Develops a Taste for Fast Food
Bloomberg–Oct 10, 2017
“I didn’t try the food” before signing the agreement, Anwar said in an interview over a lunch of Chinese hot and sour soup and kindo fish in …

On the (Rising) Trail of Thai Food in America
New York Times–Oct 10, 2017
We had just encountered the bland and sugary food found at so many Thai restaurants in the United States, and other places outside Thailand.

Skinny Pop Brand Warrior Nods to Amazon’s Growing Clout in Food
Bloomberg–Oct 17, 2017
The biggest food companies, notoriously slow to respond to consumer whims and losing market share to nimbler upstarts, desperately crave …
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