China declared world’s largest producer of scientific articles–20 hours ago
For the first time, China has overtaken the United States in terms of the total number of science publications, according to statistics compiled by the US National ScienceFoundation (NSF). The agency’s report, released on 18 January, documents the United States’ increasing competition from China and …

The mystery of vanishing honeybees is still not definitively solved
Science News–Jan. 17, 2018
BEE COLD CASE Just what caused sudden disappearances of honeybees (a worker bee shown) about a decade ago is still a matter of scientific debate. USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab/Flickr. Email. Email. Print. Print. Twitter. Twitter. Facebook. Facebook. Reddit. Reddit. Google+. Google+.

Trump’s “Fake News Awards” Are Both Absurd and Dangerous
Scientific American (blog)–Jan. 18, 2018
As an example, consider perhaps the most well-known prize in the world, the Nobel Prize, awarded for the most important scientific and cultural advances. … Thus, even though many articles covering the Fake News Awards will eventually explain that these awards are meant to perpetuate Trump’s attacks …

Simple blood test detects eight different kinds of cancer–18 hours ago
The latest study, published on 18 January in Science, is unusual in that it tests not only for these DNA mutations, but also for aberrant levels of certain proteins, in an effort to detect eight different cancers. The test was able to detect disease in about 70% of more than 1,000 people who had already been diagnosed with …

Science search engine links papers to grants and patents–Jan. 16, 2018
The marketplace for science search engines is competitive and crowded. But a database launched on 15 January aims to provide academics with new ways to analyse the scholarly literature — including the grant funding behind it. Dimensions not only indexes papers and their citations, but also …

Blockchain ‘could help combat mistrust in scientific process’
Times Higher Education (THE)–8 hours ago
One of the key promises is that it could help to create a unified, transparent database that tracks every stage of the scientific process, making it harder to falsify data and easier to replicate results. Currently, researchers themselves, publishers and organisations that track the impact of articles through …

What to expect in 2018: science in the new year–Jan. 2, 2018
Scientists hope to narrow down estimates of when and how people expanded into the region beginning around 15,000 years ago, and to clarify the timing and routes of subsequent migrations. The work might also help to explain the genetic diversity seen in today’s Native American populations.

Science panel backs lower drunken driving threshold
Peoria Journal Star–Jan. 17, 2018
WASHINGTON (AP) — Most women would need to draw the line at two drinks, and men at two or three if states follow a blueprint by a prestigious scientific panel for eliminating the “entirely preventable” 10,000 alcohol-impaired driving deaths in the United States each year. The U.S. …

7 science stories in 2017 that made us go, “Whoa, that’s awesome”
Vox–Dec. 22, 2017
“You could read articles 20 and 30 years ago about the promise of gene therapy, but there was no real delivery on that promise until we could work out the practical problems of delivering a gene therapy in a living human being instead of a test tube,” Grupp said. “The field is really gathering amazing …
Scientific and Technical Instruments Stocks’ Research Reports …
PR Newswire (press release)–2 hours ago
Wall St. Equities (WSE) produces regular sponsored and non-sponsored reports, articles, stock market blogs, and popular investment newsletters covering equities listed on NYSE and NASDAQ and micro-cap stocks. WSE has two distinct and independent departments. One department produces non-sponsored analyst …
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