Trump and the Baby Snatchers
New York Times–12 hours ago
They also reflect how politically poisonous the issue has become, as photographs and news articles circulate about the effects of the practice.”.

Why the IRS Should Go After Trump
New York Times–Jun 15, 2018
Both ignorance of the law and a reasonable reliance upon opinion of counsel are defenses to criminal tax violations, and the tax law regarding …

If There’s a Red Wave Election in 2018, This Will Be Why
New York Times–Jun 9, 2018
PHOENIX — As primaries roll by and the midterms approach, it’s worth remembering that for Republicans 2016 represented an opportunity …

Sounding Code Red: Electing the Trump Resistance
New York Times–May 30, 2018
With the primary season winding down and the midterms soon upon us, it’s time to point out that this election is not about what you may think it’s …

China Is Low-Key Taking Over the World: Weekend Edition
Bloomberg–Jun 16, 2018
Bloomberg Opinion had many, many China pieces this week (including two in the Top 5), all with “shelf life” – they’ll be informative and …

Debacle in Quebec
New York Times–Jun 9, 2018
For all their pomp, most multilateral summit meetings are boring and of little consequence. I once spoke to a State Department official who had …

Donald Trump Is Not Playing by Your Rules
New York Times–Jun 11, 2018
Occasionally you can see eternity in a speck of time, and occasionally you can see the logic of an entire historic moment in one event. And so it …

The Weasel of Oz
New York Times–May 27, 2018
Assuming that you have maintained the ability to be astonished by Donald Trump’s antics and insolence, The Washington Post reported last …

A Movement Rises to Take Back Higher Education
Wall Street Journal–18 hours ago
Two-thirds of this year’s graduating seniors at Harvard said “they had at some point chosen not to express an opinion in an academic setting …

Seizing Children From Parents at the Border Is Immoral. Here’s What …
New York Times–Jun 14, 2018
It may be hard to believe that this is happening in the United States in 2018, that hundreds of children are being snatched from their parents, …
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