Articles by Mike Commisso

Why you should talk to your dog

Healthy Kids Running Series to get kids active News Item–1 hour ago SUBMITTED PHOTO A race key was drawn up for age groups in the Healthy Kids Running…

Finally, the Fall 2018 Fashion Finale

Finally, the Fall 2018 Fashion Finale New York Times–Mar. 7, 2018 So on Wednesday in the fashion world stumbled, only to discover what looked like the landing pad for…

Finally, the Fall 2018 Fashion Finale

Finally, the Fall 2018 Fashion Finale New York Times–Mar. 7, 2018 So on Wednesday in the fashion world stumbled, only to discover what looked like the landing pad for…

Is social media ruining your social life?

Is social media ruining your social life? Medical News Today–Feb. 22, 2018 You may have heard the argument that social media makes you socialize less “in real life.” However,…