
Illegitimate journals scam even senior scientists

Stop Equating “Science” With Truth Slate Magazine–Aug 9, 2017 At least science is helping us make progress, right? … because it cited peer-reviewed articles that suggest women have different…

What Is a Hydrogen Bomb

Stop Equating “Science” With Truth Slate Magazine–Aug 9, 2017 At least science is helping us make progress, right? … because it cited peer-reviewed articles that suggest women have different…

Stop Equating “Science” With Truth

Is Science Broken? Slate Magazine–Aug 21, 2017 The journal Science had just published a landmark effort to reproduce …. in great detail in a wonderful article and interactive for FiveThirtyEight. Stop…

Is Science Broken?

Is Science Broken? Slate Magazine–2 hours ago The journal Science had just published a landmark effort to reproduce the findings of 100 recent peer-reviewed psychology experiments, and … Harassment and…

South Korea Science Official Quits Over Scandal

Korea Biomedical Review South Korea Science Official Quits Over Scandal Inside Higher Ed–5 hours ago The newly appointed head of South Korea’s Science, Technology and Innovation Office stepped…