A Simple Way to Radically Increase Fertility

FertilityResearchers from Indiana University conducted research to find why sexually active women have an increased probability of becoming pregnant than women who practice abstinence. Their research revealed an extremely easy and fun way to increase fertility in women. By following their trick to increase fertility, women will have a 100% chance of conceiving a child.

According to the study, sexually active women go through childphysiological changes, which increase their chance of falling pregnant even when they are not ovulating. Doctors will be able to use the study’s findings to determine how many times a couple should engage in sexual intercourse to conceive a child. Furthermore, the research revealed that sex could have a positive effect on the immune system of people who suffer from autoimmune disorders.

Researchers Tierney Lorenz, Gregory E. Demas, and Julia R. Heiman, all professors at the Indiana University, published their research’s findings in the Fertility and Sterility and Psychology and Behavior journals.

The study states that engaging in sexual activity promotes immune system responses to prepare a woman’s body for conception. For several years, doctors did not understand why women became more fertile during sexual intercourse and not during their ovulation cycle. The study said that sexual activity changes the immune system, which people thought only changed while pregnant and after childbirth.

Upon comparison of the immune system of a sexually active woman with a woman who abstains from sex, the researchers noted the differences in the immune system of each woman. To come to this conclusion, the researchers collected data of 30 healthy women from the Kinsey Institute’s WISH Study, 15 were sexually active and 15 were not.

Sexually active women went through several changes in the T cells and the proteins the cells use to communicate with the body. They also compared the variations in antibodies in the two groups of women. Humans possess two types of T cells, one and two. Type 1 T cells protect the body against bacterial threats whereas type 2 T cells tell the body to leave the embryo or sperm alone. The study discovered that women who are sexually active possessed more type 2 T cells while women who abstain from sexual activity possessed more type 1 T cells.

Sexual activity lets a woman’s body know that it is ready for pregnancy and changes by modifying their immune system. Their study lets people know that the immune system is more responsive than people deduced.

In addition, their research will allow doctors to deal with patients suffering from immune disorders by recommending that their patients increase their sexual activity to become more fertile, giving them a better chance to conceive a child.

Even though more research on fertility issues in women needs to be conducted, this research at least sheds light on the issue and provides an insight for other medical professionals who can use this data to improve their own research.

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