Companies: Latest Financial Topics from Forbes Magazine

Five Discussion Topics To Avoid In Taiwan
You travel to a new place, meet new people and talk. And wherever you do that talking, some topics should stay below the table or locked in a crevice of your inquisitive mind. They would otherwise embarrass, offend patriotic views or be seen as prying for personal information. Travels might easily land you in Taiwan, being the world’s 19th biggest economy and a growing tourism magnet.

Breaking: Brazil’s Lower House Of Congress Votes To Impeach President Dilma Rousseff
A history-making Sunday, as Brazil dooms their first female president.

Four Things Your Income Taxes Reveal About Your Career Prospects
Even if you selected your career for more than the income, your income taxes are a great tool to audit your career prospects. Use the tax filing deadline as a built-in reminder to take stock of your career. Here are four ways your income taxes reveal your career prospects

Innovation Is Not About Digital, It’s About Culture
Companies can outsource innovation. They can launch accelerators, incubators and hackathons.  They can even invest in startups with options to own the company down the road. They might even form commercial partnerships which blend their products with those of newer, shinier players.  But when it comes to innovating from within, most companies struggle.

Innovation Starts — And Ends — With Mindset
We love to talk about disrupting markets and industries, but rarely put forth the effort to disrupt ourselves. That requires and change in mindset and, for most of us, it’s just too hard.

Kano’s Got The Computer Any Kid Can Build, Anywhere
They set out with a mission to enable any kid to build their own computer from a lego-like kit, now for Kano the next step is to make sure children across Asia have that access – an interesting endeavor considering the impact the concept could have – especially on an enormous Indian youth demographic.

United States Artists Announces $20 Million Endowment Campaign
In 2006, in response to the decline in unrestricted funding to artists, the Ford, Rockefeller, Rasmuson and Prudential Foundations started an organization called United States Artists with $22 million in seed funding to help fund creative projects across the country. Over the past decade, the organization has distributed $21 million to nearly 450 artists — who include visual artists Theaster Gates, Kara Walker and Catherine Opie, jazz composer Jason Moran, writer Annie Proulx and choreographer Bill T. Jones through its USA Fellows program.

Unwind Faster. Sleep Better. Get More Done.
Entrepreneurs have historically been really bad at sleeping. This can cause a lack in productivity and creativity if not managed well. After researching and talking to a whole lot of people, here are some sleep hacks that I’m implementing.

Ecuador Earthquake: Ecuador In State Of Emergency After Hundreds Killed
Yesterday Ecuador faced a catastrophic M7.8 earthquake, which claimed at least 238 lives and wounded thousands

How Far Should I Bend To Save A Great Employee?
Pamela has great respect for Adam, the shining star employee in her department. Still, how hard should she work to keep him, since Adam obviously isn’t planning to stay in the company forever?

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself. Avoiding Self-Sabotage At Work
I was standing in the security line at an airport when a TSA worker came walking alongside the line yelling out in an animated way, “No liquids, no aerosols, no gels or creams on the airplane…You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud. As the CEO of over a thousand employees at the time, I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if every CEO walked through the halls of their company yelling out something similar…”No negativity, no dishonesty, no disrespect in the workplace…You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” Frankly, it might actually be a good idea. After all, that TSA worker certainly got every one of us standing in the line that day to think twice about what we had in our carry-ons.

Top 10 Business Trends That Will Drive Success In 2016

How To Make Your Video Cover Letter More Like A Movie Trailer
If done correctly, a video cover letter is personal and engaging – and could very well be the difference between getting ignored or getting the interview.

High-Dividend Stock Yields 6.5%, Company 164 Years Old, 264% Earnings Growth
Getting a yield of more than three times the 10-year US Treasury yield in today’s ultra-low environment is a pretty good deal.  Getting it from the stock of a company that has endured scores of recessions and depressions, including the Great Depression, is a great deal. It provides some sort of assurance that the dividend won’t be cut or eliminated with the first economic downturn. That’s the situation with R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (NASDAQ:RRD).The company is paying close to 6.5% dividend, trades at a forward PE close to 10, and is generating $652 million in operating cash flow. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company is a producer, distributor, and processor of content, including EDGAR-related and eXtensible Business Reporting Language financial services. Most notably, it was founded in 1864 as a cartography company. That means that it is 152 years in business.

How To Make Passive Income: 10 Expert Tips

LEGO’s ‘Idea Conference’ Is About More Than Just Bricks
It seems like the older I get, the more time I spend with Lego bricks. Sure, I say that I buy the kits for my kids, but I’m always sitting on the floor next to them within minutes of opening the box. What’s more, the grown up part of me is impressed with the company’s business practices and fascinated by the way in which the brick itself has become such an iconic symbol all around the world.

5 Questions That Will Help You Have An Extraordinary Career
What does it mean to have an extraordinary career? I see a lot of people getting it wrong. Some are too hung up on the technical aspects of career. In all my studies, the people who have great careers, it’s not because of technical aptitude. It’s entirely possible to have great skills and still be unfulfilled or even miserable.

Hennessy Campaign Reminds Us That Every Story Starts With A Story
The new Hennessy V.S. television spots from Droga5 remind us that every story starts with another story: their origin myth.

Succeeding Greatly By Failing Often
Dreams come true when you try to kill them. I know it sounds strange. Imagine bringing an idea you’re passionate about to your team and then having each member devote their energies to shooting down your idea. Aren’t we supposed to be supportive of each other and work to make things happen? It turns out the answer is no. The way to make dreams come true is to attack them from all angles.

The Influencer Marketing Gold Rush Is Coming: Are You Prepared?
Influencer marketing is about providing product context and expertise through an inspirational person.

Georgetown: My University’s History Lesson
How a Georgetown graduate must regard his university’s profiting from ownership and trafficking in American slaves in the 19th century.

The Trump Phenomenon: 5 Pluses and 5 Minuses
Donald Trump’s front running position in the Republican primaries is constantly attributed to his long experience as a reality television performer, but he often ignores and/or violates accepted best practices that other presidential candidates—and successful presenters—have leveraged to success. These violations take place in how he delivers his messages. In this age of pervasive video access, personal appeal, or the “aura of personality,” as he described himself to the Washington Post, is vital. Trump’s eyes scan rather than connect with his audiences. Bill Clinton’s trademark technique is to make audience members feel as if he is speaking to them directly. Trump points. Pointing is a threatening gesture. To avoid pointing, John F. Kennedy was known to curl his forefinger into his palm in what became known as the “credit card insertion” gesture. Trump makes faces. Experienced negotiators, as he often proclaims himself to be—and poker players—know the value of deadpan expressions. Trump clutches the lectern. In the iconic Kennedy-Nixon debates of 1960, Richard Nixon clutched his lectern with white-knuckle intensity which, along with his darting eyes, came across as “Tricky Dicky.” By his own admission, Trump doesn’t prepare. He often gives vague answers to direct questions. In what may have been a pivotal moment in the campaign, during a televised town hall earlier this month, he bobbled a question about abortion, one of the hottest issues in the campaign (the subject of my prior Forbes blog) and had to reverse his answer after the broadcast.

Startups are Personal, Part VII: Build It and They May Not Come
In this installment of our lessons learned series (co-authored by me and Traklight’s Mike Willee), we move from funding challenges to getting your product or service to market. You start a business with the aim of creating a product or service to offer to consumers or businesses. You spend time and resources developing this product along with a website to showcase your creation. But when you unveil your new business for the world to see, you’re met with indifference.  While it’s probably unreasonable to expect that customers would be beating down your door from day one, you expected at least a few curious souls to check out what you have to offer. Such can be the frustration that comes when you neglect to build your brand before your launch.

9 Web Design Trends to Watch in 2016
If there’s one thing that’s true about design, it’s that it is always evolving. It can be a challenge to keep up with the newest design trends. User experience is the central focus of the most relevant design trends. Creating content that’s responsive, accessible, and simple to use, enhances user satisfaction. This year’s emerging design trends aim to streamline and perfect that user experience.

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