Leadership: Latest Financial Topics from Forbes Magazine

The World’s Most Valuable Brands 2016

The Best Ad Campaigns

The Most Iconic Ad Campaigns And What Marketers Today Can Learn From Them
It’s been more than four decades since the older brother famously declared that finicky Mikey liked it. The “it,” of course, was Life cereal, and anyone who grew up in the 1970s can answer that question without blinking. That campaign, with the TV commercial as its centerpiece, will forever be tightly stitched into the fabric of 1970s and 1980s American culture.

The World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands 2016: Behind The Numbers
The numbers and methodology behind Forbes’ annual ranking of the world’s most valuable brands.

The World’s Most Valuable Brands 2016
Tech brands dominate the head of the list with four of the five most valuable brands. Apple ranks first for the sixth with a brand value 87% higher than No. 2 Google.

Why Patriotism Won’t Help Budweiser Win Market Share from Craft Brewers
I want you to stop thinking about politics, just for a second. I want to talk about beer.

Why Net Promoter Score Is Still A Valuable Customer Service Metric
Sometimes in business someone comes up with something very simple and the business world goes wild for it. Net Promoter Score is one example of that. It was introduced back in 2003 by author and Bain & Company Fellow Fred Reicheld in a Harvard Business Review article “One Number You Need to Grow”. You need to know if customers swiped right or left on their experience with you – and there is no easier way to do that than with NPS. It’s sort of like dating. At the end of the first date you want to know “do you like me” or “did this not go well for you?” Only the worst brands don’t ask for feedback—they’d rather walk around thinking everything is great. When in reality they have very little factual knowledge about how their “dates” are going with their customers. In fact many of their customers are already cheating on them already before the brand figures out the interaction was horrible for the customer. At that point it’s too late!

Tom Brady

How To Overcome A Poor Yelp Rating

How To Build Your SEO In 2016

Your Step By Step Content Marketing Strategy
You strip away all of the noise and focus on who your customer is, the journey they need to take, and the content you’ll need to facilitate that journey.

Beautyrest Builds A Compelling Ad Around The One Thing Tom Brady Doesn’t Have
It’s not easy to sell mattresses in advertising, I suppose. How do you get people to feel a mattress’ comfort, appreciate its form, or believe its therapeutic claims using only a television ad? If you are Beautyrest Black, you get out of the rational and find a highly relevant personality to represent a much higher benefit: Tom Brady.

Big Data And The Power Of Sentiment
In the days before big data opened doors to seemingly exponential analytical insight, sales and marketing teams often played a guessing game. Were campaigns working? Who were they reaching? What did people think about them? Audience targeting was one way to cut through the noise, but even that was a bit of a crapshoot. Today, though, big data (using it, not just having it) has created a functional shift from estimated actions to data driven, predictive choices. The growth of sentiment analysis as a marketing tool—that is, technology that determines the emotional tone of statements made online about brands—goes one step further. The possibilities here are huge for your brand as big data and sentiment analysis team up to form a marketer’s dream team. Let’s dig in.

Cannes Lions Entertainment Plays To Increased Focus
When the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity kicks off for its 63rd year in June, a new event focusing on entertainment and music – Lions Entertainment – will provide added incentive for creative and marketing executives to make the trek to the South of France, as if there needed to be added incentive.

Facebook Messenger And Not SnapChat Will Be The Marketer’s Tool Of Choice
Can Facebook Messenger put an end to Snapchat’s growing dominance with teens and millennials? At least from a marketer’s perspective, the answer is a clear ‘yes’.

How To Know If It’s Time To Rebrand & How To Begin Doing So
Rebranding is something that has to happen every so often. Businesses must adapt or die.

Customer Experience Is A Culture Problem
Customer experience has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past four years. The software category matured, fragmented and is consolidating as vendors and users, alike, tried to achieve the promised ROI ? revenue growth from customer loyalty. Customer experience is in the process of being redefined. It?s not software that automates engagement or predicts which customer an employee should or should not pay attention to. Customer experience is about all-inclusive strategic alignment between the customer?s engagement expectations, brand promise and the company culture behind the brand. To win, CEOs must be maniacal about that alignment.

Millennials’ 10 Favorite Stocks

Got Analytics? Nobody Cares! Here Is Why.
Often I start my analytics conference keynote addresses by asking the audience to share the issues they face in their organizations. For the past decade, in nearly every conference, the #1 problem cited by analysts and their managers has been the same: their team built the best possible model (read: analysis, dashboard, report, predictive model) but people are not using it. Even the internal clients, who asked for it, aren’t using it! In fact, this issue is so pervasive in organizations that 80 to 90% of the analysts in the audience report this problem.

To Foster Diversity In Advertising, Challenge Unconscious Bias
This article is by Lisa Sherman, president and CEO of the Ad Council.

2015 Most Effective Marketers In North America

2015 Most Effective Marketers In North America

If You Thought New Coke Was A Disaster, You Haven’t Seen Their New Packaging
It isn’t often that one of the world’s biggest marketers spends 18 months cooking up something this ill-advised, but Coca-Cola’s new “one brand” packaging is a gaffe so glaring we have to talk about it.

Agile Marketing Is Like Riding A Bike
A Q&A with Scott Brinker, founder of chiefmartec.com and author of Hacking Marketing

Hey CMOs, This Just In: Digital Marketing Is Now Mainstream
I have to admit I cringed somewhat at writing the title to this post. It is of course sarcastic (one of my specialities) but what made it cringeworthy is not the fact that I was being sarcastic but the fact that I had to write it in the first place… and know that it would not be taken sarcastically by a great number of marketers.

‘Marketers Are Getting Their Money Stolen,’ Says ANA Chief
Speaking at the ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference in Boca Raton, Florida, earlier this week, ANA CEO-president Bob Liodice addressed 800 top clients and agency executives stating that, in key areas such as ad fraud, many ?marketers are getting their money stolen?

The World’s Biggest Media Companies Of 2015

Make Social Media Trolls Go Away With These 5 Tips
Successful people are often targets for trolls—that said, successful brands are huge targets for trolls. The bigger the brand, the bigger the target. In customer service we like to think that the customer is always right, but on social media that’s not true. In fact on social media it’s often hard to tell if the person you’re interacting with is even a true customer? In fact companies today struggle to identify the person on social media at all. Companies today have to act as helpful do-gooders on the web, with the faith that if they add value to the community, they will be rewarded. However people do things on the web they would never do in a retail store, or even on the phone. They say things they would never say in front of their mother. It’s understandable that if a customer has a poor service experience that customer could be a little edgy online, but often today people who are not customers at all spend time trolling brands online. Some brands use trolling as a PR opportunity–or a chance to be funny.

Why Boards Should Add Marketers To Their Ranks: A Non-Marketing Board Member’s Perspective
Marketing-experienced executives are rarely invited to join boards of directors. In a recent article, one director, who has served on several boards, suggested that the reason why so few marketers serve on boards is because they have little to contribute. However, in research I conducted with Ryan Krause (TCU) and Don Lehmann (Columbia), we found that when marketers are on boards, there is a significant difference in firm outcomes—specifically, revenue growth. Given that growth creation is at the top of most CEO’s “to-do” list, it would seem that perhaps marketers do have something to contribute. So to get a different perspective, I turned to Tamara Paton, a corporate board member (of several boards) and board consultant (see here for some of her great board-related content). Her background is not in marketing, and so her thoughts below provide an outsider’s perspective of marketers’ contributions at the board level.

How To Market To Millennials In The Experience Economy
What are great brands doing today that is driving significant sales growth? Creating valuable, customized experiences that consumers cannot get anywhere else. Research from Eventbrite shows that one in four millennials are more likely to pay for an experience over a product so the brands that are tapping into lifestyles trends and providing more than just a service or product are the ones that are winning big.

The World’s Top-Earning Authors 2015

First Time Author: ‘How I Got My Own Press And Interviews With Luminaries Like General Petraeus’
This millennial entrepreneur achieved Tier-1 press as a first-time author entirely on his own. Here’s how.

How To Teach A Robot New Tricks

This One Chart Explains Why Mobile Ads Are Here To Say
You may dislike them, you may get annoyed by them, or you may absolutely and unreservedly hate them with an undiluted eternal loathing that surpasses the most vegetarian vegan’s extreme antipathy for a side dish of beef carpaccio with a main of steak tartare … but mobile ads are here to stay.

Crowdfunding Comes Up With 3 Surprising Examples
Back in 2009, Kickstarter opened up with a new idea: let the people decide if they want a new product, by funding it from their own pocketbook.

What Happens When The Voice Of Your Brand Is A Humanoid Robot?
A powerful transfer of power is underway around us. It takes many forms from drones to driverless cars to robotics factories made freshly famous by Tesla. This rise in robotics is remaking both the supply chain and demand sides of business (see “Rise of the Robots”), but they will soon transform brand marketing just as dramatically.

Donald Trump Through The Years

New Hillary Ad Decimates Trump — Or Does It?
On the surface it looks like a brilliant jujitsu move, but a look deeper shows that she may have just done The Donald a big favor.

The Uses and Misuses of “Big Data”: A Conversation
We should be grateful to big data for its power to accomplish so many things, but data should work in service of human beings, not the other way around.

How To Build Your SEO In 2016

Honest Company: Lawsuits Appear To Affect Purchase Consideration
The Honest Company, apparently poised for an IPO, is struggling with a host of lawsuits which appear to be affecting both consumer perception and potential sales.

6 Smart Ways To Use Website Design To Boost Your eCommerce Prospects
Digital marketing is all about understanding where the industry is going. 2016 is going to be a time where online eCommerce design changes again. We are already part of the way through the year and there are still huge changes in the offing. Some of the biggest changes don’t involve how people are shopping. Instead, the big changes are coming in the form of how shopping platforms are designed.

Kochava: A Star Is Born With Mobile Measuring Software
A Series of Forbes Insights Profiles of Thought Leaders Changing the Business Landscape:  Charles Manning, Founder and CEO, Kochava.

Are These The 10 Greatest Creative Directors Ever?
Firstly, let’s start with a question; what’s the criteria for being a member of this rarified club?

Five Ways To Overcome Burnout

How Meditating Made Me A Better Marketer
Marketing is a highly competitive industry. It’s no surprise to see marketers attempting to gain every advantage they can. Meditation is one such area that can provide you with incredible benefits through tapping into your natural psychic powers.

Meeting The Fintech Challenge
by Steve Davies, Manoj Kashyap, and Joerg Ruetschi

Why You Should Be Integrating Behavioral Science Into Your Marketing
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, without the jelly, is just a plain peanut butter sandwich. Marketing without behavioral science is just plain marketing. Behavioral science aims to understand why people make certain decisions. When you design your marketing campaigns to relate to the why and not just the how you tap into the next level of marketing.

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