This Woman Held a Concert Inside Her Uterus

Khloé Kardashian wrote that she uses vitamin E to strengthen her vaginal lining and combat dryness. Does it work?

Can Light Weights Get You Just As Toned As Heavier Ones?
A new study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology explains whether it’s better to use light or heavy weights if you’re trying to get toned.

Here’s Why Baby Bellies Don’t Just Go Away ASAP
It’s a little-discussed fact of new motherhood: You give birth and your stomach still looks a little like you’re pregnant, even though the baby has vacated the premises.

The Ultimate 30-Day Workout Challenge
30 days of equipment-free moves guaranteed to get you in shape.

The Effective Full Body Workout Routine Using Only a Jump Rope
Here are five moves with nothing more than a jump rope to tone every muscle.

Pokemon Go Can Help You Stay Active
In the short span of a week, pretty much every aspect of our lives has been taken over by the game Pokémon Go. [Restaurants and bars are gaining customers, politicians are using the game to win over voters, and there’s a whole new genre of porn centered on it. But this has got to be the best thing to come out of Pokémon Go: People are getting an actual workout catching those Pokémon.

What The Color Of Your Period Can Tell You About Your Health
Different colors of blood can indicate different stages of your period: bright red indicates the beginning, dark red indicates the middle and brownish indicates it is almost over. But some colors can also be warning signs that something is wrong.

The Gross Truth About What the Paleo Diet Actually Looked Like
You might’ve heard people touting the Paleo diet, a meat- and veggie-focused diet based on the theory that our eating habits should mimic our earliest ancestors’. If we were going to follow this rule strictly, though, we’d have to do something pretty extreme. According to a study in *Scientific Reports*, Neanderthals may have actually eaten humans. Yes, humans.

Is Watermelon Good for You?
People seem to be super confused when it comes to watermelon. In July alone, there are more than 12,000 searches for “is watermelon good for you?” according to Google data. That’s a lot of people left confused by this melon, so we reached out to dietitians to clarify whether this fruit is actually good for you—and how.

Women Are Dominating The Fitness Industry
From 2003 to 2013, the half marathon was the fastest growing race distance in the U.S. And women are filling out most of those race forms—a full 61 percent of finishers in 2013 were women, up from 49 percent in 2004, Jason Kelly writes in his new book Sweat Equity. And it goes beyond just road races: Women are driving many of the fitness trends we see today.

The Bootcamp Workout You’ll Actually Want to Do
Everything you love about bootcamp classes, without the strain it puts on your body.

The “Blink and You’d Miss It” Breast Cancer Symptom
When you learn about breast cancer in health class or at the doctor’s office, you’re usually told to consult someone if you see a lump on your breast. But a viral photo by breast cancer survivor Claire Warner shows another, less obvious sign of the disease.

The Weird Upside to Biting Your Nails
Did you sit in class nibbling on your nails while your teacher was lecturing, or suck your thumb at an embarrassingly advanced age? If so, take any shame you once had about that and toss it out the window. According to a study just published in *Pediatrics*, this could be the reason you’re breathing easily right now while the rest of us are sniffling.

6 Ways Doctors Can Help You Get Pregnant That Don’t Involve IVF
Most of us spend years trying to avoid getting pregnant. But, when you actually want to conceive, it can be harder than you thought. If it’s taking time for you to get pregnant, doctors stress that you shouldn’t freak out and assume you need IVF. Here are ways they can help you get pregnant that don’t involve IVF.

Is My Vagina Normal?
Make no mistake: It’s a glorious work of nature. But we all have questions! Here, we break down the vagina’s basic parts, as well as your most comment questions and concerns.

Your Brain Might Have a Stop Button for Drinking
While more research on humans would be needed first, scientists could develop drugs or electrical therapy to make it easier for people to stop drinking.

HPV-Related Cancer Diagnoses Are on the Rise
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common STD in the U.S., and it can be especially insidious— because there’s no test for men. Nearly every sexually active American gets the virus at some point, according to the CDC, although it normally doesn’t do anything. But in the worst cases, it can lead to several types of cancer, and new CDC statistics show that these cancers are on the rise.

Does Laying in Bed After Sex Help You Get Pregnant?
Women who are trying to get pregnant will do all kinds of, er, interesting things in the name of “well, it might work.” But there’s one post-sex move that is hard to know whether it’s legit or kind of B.S.: Laying in bed after you have sex.

Here’s Why the #PantyChallenge Is So Wrong
If you search Twitter or Instagram for the hashtag #PantyChallenge, you may find some women proudly posting photos of dry underwear. But why are they doing this, and is a spotless panty crotch really something to be proud of?

Exclusive: Watch RHOC’s Meghan King Edmonds Show the Scary Reality of Her IVF
In this exclusive clip, Edmonds captures the emotional start her to her IVF treatments as she undergoes her first round of hormone injections.

Why All Pregnant Women Should Get Tested for STIs
It seems super weird that you’d get tested for STIs when you’re pregnant, but that’s exactly what doctors are recommending now. Why? Certain STIs can be transferred to the baby if they’re left untreated—and can have serious repercussions.

This Is How Much It Costs to Have a Baby
According to new data from Castlight Health, the average routine vaginal delivery in the U.S. costs…a lot more than you’d think it would. This is how much it costs to have a baby.

Can Yeast Infection Treatments Mess with Your Birth Control?
Almost three out of four women will experience the unparalleled suckiness that is a yeast infection at one point or another in their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But if you’re on hormonal birth control—and particularly if you’re using the ring—will a yeast infection treatment from the drugstore be an issue?

What’s the Absolute Minimum Amount You Need to Work Out?
You probably do your best to work out as much as you can but—we get it—life happens. Sometimes you have those weeks where you really can’t spend all that much time exercising as you’d like. So, how little can you get away with and still maintain your level of fitness? We got experts to spill.

A Young Woman Shared A Shocking Photo Of Herself To Raise Awareness About Binge Drinking
Six months ago, Hanna Lottritz planned on having a fun day out with friends at a music festival. She blacked out before midnight, and woke up in the hospital—to find that she had been in an alcohol-induced coma for two days. Lottritz, who turned 21 earlier this month, wrote a blog sharing her story.

What Weights Should I Be Using, Anyway?
Whether you spend a lot of time at the gym or just get there when you can (#life), it can be hard to know which weights you should be using. After all, what works for the jacked girl next to you is probably not right for you—and it’s not like these things come with an instruction manual.

10 Weird Things Affected By Your Cycle
Here are some of the weirdest things your cycle can impact.

This Is What Jenna Dewan-Tatum’s Stocks In Her Kitchen
Here’s what half of Hollywood’s hottest couple eats for every meal.

Here’s Why You Should Be Dry-Brushing Your Legs (and Butt)
Experts swear dry-brushing reduces cellulite on your legs and butt. Here’s why you should be dry-brushing (and how to do it).

The 9 Best Foods for Your Period
During your period, you might find yourself craving chocolate or junk food. But what’s healthiest for you to eat on your period is (unfortunately) often a different story. As your hormones fluctuate throughout the month, so do your dietary needs. Here are a few foods you should make an extra effort to get enough of during Aunt Flo’s visits.

Can Having More Than One Abortion Impact Your Fertility?
Chelsea Handler is getting real about abortion. In a new essay for Playboy’s “Freedom Issue,” the comedian opened up about having two abortions at the age of 16. But can that impact your fertility? An expert weighs in.

How Your Vagina Changes When You’re Pregnant
When you get pregnant, your vagina has nine short months to prepare for your little bundle of joy to arrive. So it’s only normal that you would notice a few changes down there. Here’s what to expect.

This Is the Best Time in Your Cycle to Have Sex
With more couples scheduling sex, it’s worth asking: Is there a best time in your cycle to have sex? Doctors weigh in.

Why Abby Norman Won’t Stop Talking About Her Vagina
“Ask Me About My Uterus” founder Abby Norman won’t stop talking about her vagina—and she says it’s incredibly important.

What It’s Like to Have a Natural Childbirth
For years, women gave birth without drugs and now it’s making a comeback. Women spill on what it’s like to have a natural childbirth.

Can Women Get “Blue Balls” Too?
You might’ve heard that if a guy is turned on and doesn’t get any sort of release, his balls can get painful and bluish—aka “blue balls.” This is sometimes used as a terrible excuse to try to guilt someone into sex, which is obviously never OK in any scenario. But apparently, blood flow to the genitals can actually cause discomfort, and it happens to women, too.

Is Fruit Juice Good for You? Dietitians Weigh In.
You’ve probably heard that fruit juices can be a sneaky source of sugar, but then you also probably know that they can count as a serving of fruit. So, what are we supposed to think?

6 Websites and Apps You Can Use to Get Birth Control
With new technology making it easier than ever to obtain birth control, you may not even need to go to the gynecologist to get prescriptions anymore. Websites and apps that deliver contraception to your door are growing in popularity.

What Ob-Gyns Do When They Need to See an Ob-Gyn
Odds are, you don’t think twice when you need to visit the ob-gyn—you just call up your doctor’s office, make an appointment, and show up when you’re told to. But what do female ob-gyns do when they need to see an ob-gyn? We talked to several doctors for the 411.

OMG: Your Phone Could Make You Temporarily Blind
A new case study published in The New England Journal of Medicine details how several women went temporarily blind after using their phones in the dark

Here’s What It’s Like to Have an Epidural
The majority of women in the U.S. have an epidural when they give birth, making this form of pain relief a pretty common choice. Still, lots of women wonder about what it’s really like to get a needle in your back and then push a baby out of your vagina. Is it scary? Weird? Amazing? Here, women share what it’s like to have an epidural.

Asking Dr. Google for Medical Advice Just Got Easier
Over the next few days, Google’s app is rolling out a new feature that shows you potential conditions and treatments when you type a physical symptom into the search bar.

5 Health Benefits of Napping
A number of studies have shown that napping is really good for you. Here’s a breakdown of the health benefits of napping.

Julianne Hough Shares Her 3 Favorite Butt-Blasting Workout Moves
Who better than Julianne Hough to coach you through a mini butt-blasting workout?

How Much Should We Be Eating Out, Really?
According to a report from Quartz, we’re now spending more money at restaurants than we are on groceries. And, according to another report, millennials now eat out an average of 3.4 times a week. How much should we be eating out? Experts weigh in.

How To Prevent Yeast Infections This Summer
While summer brings a lot to look forward to, it carries one unpleasant side effect: yeast infections. According to Linda Nicoll, M.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center, yeast infections thrive in warm, moist places—and between heat and sweating, your vagina becomes just that type of environment during summer. Here are a few ways you can beat these seasonal changes and prevent summer yeast infections

Do I Sweat Too Much? Here’s How to Find Out.
Sweating happens—especially now that it’s hot outside on the regular. But how sweaty you get can be totally different from how your friends react to the heat. So, how do you know if you sweat too much?

The Hottest New Piece of Workout Equipment Is A Mermaid Tail
San Diego’s Hotel del Coronado just started offering a weekly high-intensity, full-body workout dubbed “Mermaid Fitness,” in which participants ditch their leggings and sneaks for a glittery mermaid flipper.

11 Foods You Should Buy Organic
You’ve heard that it’s a good idea to buy organic foods, and you probably do when you can (and, let’s be honest, when you can afford it). But with organic products ranging from cookies to produce, how are you supposed to know which foods to buy organic and which is kind of a rip-off?

“All the Weird Things I Did When I Was Pregnant”
Pregnancy can also turn otherwise sane women into superstitious believers in things that don’t really make any sense. Why? You somehow get the idea that something seemingly random might affect your pregnancy, so…you do it.

The Unexpected Reason You Might Be Getting Migraines
If you suffer from migraines, you might typically just pop a few painkillers to soothe them. But according to a new study, there’s another way to relieve migraines, and you might’ve heard it from your parents as a kid: Take your vitamins.

Get A Better Butt With This 30-Day Squat Challenge
With summer in full swing, you probably don’t want to spend any of your precious downtime in the gym, but you still want to feel fit and strong, right? (Right.) Enter this perfect 30-day squat challenge, handcrafted with love for Glamour by Reebok trainer Alexia Clarke.

This Type of Fat Could Actually Help You Lose Weight
A new Spanish study finds that certain healthy fats could actually help with weight loss.

Most People Treated for STDs Don’t Actually Have Them

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