Netflix Goes After the Movie Business With a Big-Budget Will Smith …
Bloomberg–21 hours ago
“Bright” is the company’s first attempt at a big-budget Hollywood production, bringing together a bona fide movie star in a fantasy, buddy-cop tale that could have come from any studio playbook. Directed by David Ayer, who also made “Suicide Squad,” it’s a warning shot to studios and theater owners that …
Should the Last Jedi have gone over to Star Wars’ dark side?
The Guardian–Dec. 19, 2017
It is a battle that has been raging for more than four decades. No, not Team Luke vs Team Vader but the ongoing war for the soul of Star Wars. It is fought between those who believe these movies are just space fantasies for the under 12s, and those certain there is something more sombre and sophisticated …
Movie-Ticket-a-Day Service Surpasses 1 Million Subscribers
Bloomberg–21 hours ago
MoviePass pays cinema owners full price for tickets — about $15 each in some cities — meaning it loses money on every sale. It plans to make up the difference by selling ads and possibly negotiating a cut of concessions from exhibitors. The losses and funding needs raise doubt about whether MoviePass …
Star Wars: Hey, What’s Up With The Knights of Ren?
IGN–15 hours ago
By Max Scoville SPOILER WARNING: If you’re trying to avoid story beats for The Last Jedi, get outta here. Seriously. Go see the movie. It’s been a week. What’re you doing clicking on Star Wars articles the week after a new movie drops if you haven’t seen it yet? Ever since their first mention in The Force …
Vanity Fair
IGN–12 hours ago
It feels like Landis and Ayer were trying to cram parts 1, 2, and 3 into one movie. Edgar Ramirez (Joy) is another underdeveloped character that I wanted to learn more about. Ramirez plays an elf named Kandomere, who is the head of a federal magic task force. Apart from his flamboyant clothes and great …
Star Wars’ CinemaScores: What Audiences Think About the Modern …
IGN–Dec. 18, 2017
It’s been a barometer by which Hollywood has gauged how their movies will perform at the box office for many years now, but it has become, in the digital age, an even more talked about facet in how studios and the media respond to a movie’s performance. Although CinemaScore has existed since 1978, …
Movie Review: Nonholiday movies for the holidays
Harvard Press–7 hours ago
Last year, due to the relative scarcity of good holiday movies and the small chance that you hadn’t already seen the standards, I wrote up some recommendations for nonholiday movies that still pair well with cold weather and family gatherings. Well, a year later, there are, unsurprisingly, no new holiday …
Warner Bros.’ Rival Jungle Book Movie Gets a New Title: Mowgli
IGN–20 hours ago
By Jordan Oloman Warner Bros.’ 3D adaptation of The Jungle Book has received a new title as it gears up for release. The movie was originally titled Jungle Book: Origins, but will now be known simply as Mowgli. The feature is being developed under the direction of motion capture wizard Andy Serkis and …
‘Pitch Perfect 3’: The Barden Bellas share their favorite aca-memories
USA TODAY–11 hours ago
Anna Kendrick: “It was something that I learned to do seeing a link on Reddit, and because I’m a huge loser and a nerd, I was like, ‘Oh, I’m definitely going to teach myself how to do that!’ And then when I was meeting about the movie, I was like, ‘This is a thing I can do,’ and they wanted to put it in the movie.”.
Heroic Hollywood
The Best Reviewed Movies of 2017
IGN–Dec. 19, 2017
By William Bibbiani The year is coming to a close, and the time has come to look back at all the films that blew our minds. IGN’s film critics watched a heck of a lot of movies this year, and these were the very best. IGN rates its movies on a scale of 0-10, and any film released between January 1 and …
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